Hello all, just wanted to give a little info about myself. I live in the New Orleans area, (about 20min outside the city.) I am 29 and have been smoking cigars for about 6yrs and pipes for about a year or so but i have not really become serious about cigars as an experience until the last two years or so. By that i mean trying to train my palate to detect the flavors and complexity of the smoke as well as learning all the lingo. So, i still am learning. I am also attempting to do reviews on the cigars i smoke. The more I have grown in my love of the cigar as an event, the more I want to share with others, so keep an eye out for my reviews and feel free to help me out with your own advice as I am open to being mentored in this wonderful world of the leaf. Who knows i may even attempt to do some pod-casts. If any are from the NOLA area, give a shout! Always nice to here from others who are fellow lovers of the cigar.