It's Elissa from Charmedleaf.com. Just wanted to introduce myself and my site. We pride ourselves on finding very small production cigars and offering them at MSRP or close to MSRP prices. This is not a discount site. It's a site that respects the hard work and philosophies of small brand owners. Occasionally we will offer some brands that are widely known, but to us they still exemplify the spirit of a boutique cigar. If you see a brand on our site, rest assured that we have been specifically authorized by the brand owner to sell the product.
All the best. Thanks -Elissa
It's Elissa from Charmedleaf.com. Just wanted to introduce myself and my site. We pride ourselves on finding very small production cigars and offering them at MSRP or close to MSRP prices. This is not a discount site. It's a site that respects the hard work and philosophies of small brand owners. Occasionally we will offer some brands that are widely known, but to us they still exemplify the spirit of a boutique cigar. If you see a brand on our site, rest assured that we have been specifically authorized by the brand owner to sell the product.
All the best. Thanks -Elissa