Hello all, reporting as a fellow cigar smoker.
For more than 20 years now I had been smoking some limited quantities of cigars (until last two year where I discovered other tobacco countries than ISOM); born in Mexico and exposed only to Mexican and "Forbidden" tobacco; I found Nicaragua (my favorite), Dominican Republic and Honduras have excellent cigars and start improving my palate and selection of cigars.
Since I have access to best of both worlds I try to take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the best natural remedy for stress: the smoke generated by fermented tobacco leaves rolled into a great cigar.
For more than 20 years now I had been smoking some limited quantities of cigars (until last two year where I discovered other tobacco countries than ISOM); born in Mexico and exposed only to Mexican and "Forbidden" tobacco; I found Nicaragua (my favorite), Dominican Republic and Honduras have excellent cigars and start improving my palate and selection of cigars.
Since I have access to best of both worlds I try to take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the best natural remedy for stress: the smoke generated by fermented tobacco leaves rolled into a great cigar.