Good day BotL.
I've been enjoying cigars for about five years now, and this site has been a great resource for cigar-related information (specifically Nicaraguans, which I've recently been exploring more of).
My current regular rotation includes the Padron 2000 Robusto (Natural), Punch (C) Punch, Partagas (C) Serie D N° 4, Illusione Epernay Le Ferme, and the A. Fuente 8-5-8 (Candela). I get everything online, as the B&M prices here are truly unreasonable.
Work-wise, I'm in education. My other hobbies are hot pepper cultivation, reading up on/developing learning techniques, and vaping.
See you around!
I've been enjoying cigars for about five years now, and this site has been a great resource for cigar-related information (specifically Nicaraguans, which I've recently been exploring more of).
My current regular rotation includes the Padron 2000 Robusto (Natural), Punch (C) Punch, Partagas (C) Serie D N° 4, Illusione Epernay Le Ferme, and the A. Fuente 8-5-8 (Candela). I get everything online, as the B&M prices here are truly unreasonable.
Work-wise, I'm in education. My other hobbies are hot pepper cultivation, reading up on/developing learning techniques, and vaping.
See you around!