Caught in the Crossfire
I may be joining the ever growing ranks of the group none of us want to be in.
The remaining electrical design on the project Im working on is scheduled to be released to the field by June 2nd. A bunch of people have already been de-staffed and the rest of us are looking at June. Havent got an official drop dead date yet but we got a heads up because in June the man power hours for the electrical group takes a serious nose dive.
We went from a major backlog, so much so that they were having trouble finding enough people to staff up for all the work. Now with the current economy, clients are putting projects on the back burner for a few years or just totally shit canning them leaving us nothing to go to. Other existing projects dont have the hours to pick up anymore people.
All stressed out and no place to go. Other companies are even worse off than us. They have been calling us to see if we could absorb their people that are being let go.
Wish me luck.
The remaining electrical design on the project Im working on is scheduled to be released to the field by June 2nd. A bunch of people have already been de-staffed and the rest of us are looking at June. Havent got an official drop dead date yet but we got a heads up because in June the man power hours for the electrical group takes a serious nose dive.
We went from a major backlog, so much so that they were having trouble finding enough people to staff up for all the work. Now with the current economy, clients are putting projects on the back burner for a few years or just totally shit canning them leaving us nothing to go to. Other existing projects dont have the hours to pick up anymore people.
All stressed out and no place to go. Other companies are even worse off than us. They have been calling us to see if we could absorb their people that are being let go.
Wish me luck.