The group I used to shoot with was a great bunch, and fun was the whole point. Many of us smoke cigars and we'd light up during set up, shooting, and tear down. My experience is that it's more fun than most courses. Many insturctors at gun shops take themselves too seriously in my oppinion, and you get subjected to lots of hard oppinions and stories about how tough the instructor is.
The clubs have different divisions and you'r limited by gear, so if you take your Kimber out, you'll be shooting agains others with ten rounds or less in a gun (you can use ten rounders) in a stock gun with open sights. Many of the hot shots, compete at higher levels, so you're most likley shooting agains people new to this as well. I've never heard of a club that will not let you show up with ear and eye protection for a practice and just learn what they are all about.
Don't think I'm anti-courses, I'm not, but they run a very wide range from hot to cold depending upon the instructor and are costly and ususaly over short period of time. If you like the shooting club, and that's all it is- you never have to travel to a match if you don't want, you can use it as much or as little as you want.