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hey ya'll sorry i been gone........

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Dec 22, 2014
Eagle mountain, Ut
hey everyone,
I'm sure there is a TON i have missed out on i have been gone about 4 months. been super busy on this side of the world. if anyone remembers i was just getting out of the Navy in January and looking for a new job, well i found one at IMFLASH working in the semi-conductor industry (making memory chips) well i have been there about 5 months, learned a lot and i also purchased a house in Eagle mountain Ut. things have been going pretty well for me and the Mrs. we are still in the middle of moving and getting everything settled but i missed the hell out of my BOTLs i got to meet up with Plumber65 and his lovely wife at a few events and i of course have continued to expand my cigar collection. i got my drawers and i'll upload pictures when i can get them off of my phone. again I'm sorry i was gone so long but things are just now settling down. except for work LOL i work 12s most days of the week and the money is good. ill start being on here more now that i have internet in the place. hope to reconnect with you guys and connect with the new guys! Stay smokey brothers and remember #realmensmokecigars