I personally don't use it, but a friend of mine uses Amazon for this service. I believe he gets all of his nonperishable stuff from them for really cheap, he has it set up so he automatically gets one shipment per month. He loves it.
our local grocery store has been sending out ads, with freebies attached, trying to drum up delivery services. i've been tempted to try it, but i always want to look at the meats/produce and pick out the ones i want.
our local grocery store has been sending out ads, with freebies attached, trying to drum up delivery services. i've been tempted to try it, but i always want to look at the meats/produce and pick out the ones i want.
Trust me I know about that. I usu use it for a basic shop and some basic fruit. As some others on this board with young kids I know it has saved my wife and I on numerous times so we can get everything done in a weekend/.
It try and shop veggies at the farmers market or local stands. Meat comes from Costco. Might be nice for staples but most of those come from Costco in bulk. Be nice if we lived in the boonies.
I guess I grocery shop the old fashioned way :dunno: I mostly only buy stuff that's on sale. If you pay attention to the circulars that the same grocery store gives out, you'll notice that every special is rotated every 4-5 weeks. I only know this because I stock up on boneless/skinless chicken breast when it's below $2lb.