TBaGZ said:
Ok... I am moving to Florida next week and have never had renters insurance before. I am going to be putting a lot of my stuff in a slef storage unit for a while. Is it possible to get renters insurance on that?
Alright A topic i know about......
first the ? above.. as far as i know you can purchase an optional policy through the storage unit place itself... kinda like U-Haul covering you if you pay the premium....
Also yes, please review your policies and make sure that you are adequately insured, to REPLACEMENT value.. that is huge. What happened to DUstin sucks, and happens all to much., it is not his fault nor his agents fault, they should have reviewed this together to make sure that he was adequately insured and that his needs were covered.
Insurance gets a bad name and part of this lies within the industry yes, but there is a bunch that the consumer does not know, and that is huge in the insurance market.... Uneducated consumers by no fault of their own do not know what they need or how much they need and problems and issues like this arise and it is hard to point the figure when nobody deserves it....