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How is a cigar made?


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Dec 4, 2010
I saw this post on LinkedIn, so I figured reposting here would be more appropriate:

• There are several ways to make a cigar. Most common differences are on the inside bunching.

Before the rolling methods outlined below, there is a leaf sorter who manages all the leaf sorting for each pair of rollers. Often overlooked this key person is vital to insure the cigar taste is right. If you roll a cigar perfectly, but sort and blend it wrong, (which is a team effort of 3 people) then you have a bad tasting cigar.

1. Book Method, which is folding the tobacco inside like a book, pressing it into a bunching machine which puts the binder leaf on it in an automated process. This is a very fast method, and a little rough way to go. After that you wrap and cap it like normal you wouldn't see much difference from the outside. To see it you can visit the Youtube OR Facebook page of DonCervantesCigars

2. Accordion Method, which is folding the inside filler in the shape of a Z like an accordion, then binding, wrapping and capping are like normal.

3. Entubado Method rolls the leaf inside itself in a circular swirl shape. I have some images that show it best, but cant load them up here. The only way I can suggest is to try to see if on this video: There are both images and video showing different aspects of this rolling method which is more demanding, slower and highly skilled than the other methods. I suggest looking at these videos: To see it you can visit the Youtube OR Facebook page of DonCervantesCigars

Any questions about this process I am happy to answer, and add/post/email pics to help see the process.
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Apr 21, 2011
London, ON

This must be for NCs though cause all instructions for rolling CCs start with "first you get a virgin..."