BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
How to Speak Gibberish
You might think that gibberish is blabber talk or something a 2 month old might say, but in reality it is a "secret language" popular among teens. If you want to join the conversation, listen up.
You might think that gibberish is blabber talk or something a 2 month old might say, but in reality it is a "secret language" popular among teens. If you want to join the conversation, listen up.
- Break a word down into spoken syllables. Generally, every syllable in a word contains one vowel sound. Here are some words and their syllables:
- tree: tree
- bottle: bo (pronounced bah), ttle (pronounced tul)
- symmetry: sy (sih), mme (meh), try (tree)
- Add the sound "-idiga" after the first consonant(s) and before the vowel sound of each syllable:
- tree: tridiga
- bottle: bidiga, tidiga
- symmetry: sidiga, midiga, tridiga
- Replace the "a" sound in "-idiga" with the rest of the syllable:
- tree: tridigee
- bottle: bidigo (bidigah), tidigle
- symmetry: sidigy, midige, tridigy
- Repeat with every word.
- Practice, practice, practice!
- Keep in mind that many versions of Gibberish are slightly different. You may need to learn a new "gibberish dialect" if you want to communicate with some folks. A common variation uses "dither" or "ither" instead of "idiga".
- In some versions, for words that start with vowels: A becomes "adiga", E becomes "edige", I is "idigi", and U is "udigu"
- In Northern England, a popular variation on idiga is iviga, thus making "dog" into "divigog" and so forth.
- Another variation is to place the letters "ib" before each vowel. For example, "hello" would be "hibellibo".
- Take your time. If you talk too fast, it will be unintelligible and really sound like gibberish.