My weekend was terrible. First off, I had to get in a chaufered van, and drive 20 miles out of downtown to go with friends to a famous rib joint/steak house. On the ride up there I had champagne spilled on me, and I dropped my olives under the seat.
Once we got there, I was forced to drink some famous specialty called "Golden Shower", or maybe "Golden Cadillac". They were too sweet, and cold and I ended up getting a brain freeze. After that I had to switch to Scotch whiskey and all they had was Johnny Walker Black Label.
The ribs were good. 4 hours after we got to the place, I was feeling pretty buzzed. On the ride home I spilled my beer on myself, almost got hit by another cork from a champaign bottle.
I was looking forward to having a nice hangover all by myself, when my gf and two of her friends called and said that they were taking me out on the boat.
Lemme tell you, it was rough. I was pretty dilligent about the sunblock, but I still think I got a little tan.
After spending all afternoon drinking on the boat, my roomate went to cost-co and bought a big ass tri-tip and then I had to cook it on the grill.
All I wanted was some time to myself....