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I apologize to Yellen


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Dec 13, 2004
Tampa, FL
for my comments on the closed thread.

Both of his posts got me a little pissed, and I reacted.

Eric and I decided to open the BOTL Store as opposed to me just keeping everything on Cigar Solutions.

Some of the reasons were so we could have BOTL branded items like stickers and shirts and hats that would be available only on the BOTL store, and not on Cigar Solutions.

It would also enable me to run BOTL only group buys, and where I could, lower than Cigar Solutions pricing.

Also, every customer would be a BOTL member, so not quite the same as Cigar Solutions.
With Cigar Solutions, besides selling to cigar board members, I also sell to the general public. The Board guys are easy, the general public can not be so easy.

To me, BOTL store is a place where you guys can be what you need, and never have to worry about usual stuff like warranties, returns, or any other retail BS. I will take care of any problem as best as I can.

If you have trouble, I am always here. PM me, call me, email me, or put up a post in one of the rooms. But if I do make a mistake, or there is a problem, there is really no need for an unfriendly post or pm. I dont think I have ever screwed anyone, I always try to go 110% for BOTL members. For me, BOTL store has a bit of informality because I am involved with Eric, and BOTL. I like to keep it friendly and informal.

One last thing, right now I have 3 online stores running. I am working on getting shipping software that will integrate all 3, and allow me to do overseas shipping for the BOTL store.

My troubles with Yellens order are because my software did not automate the foreign shipping. We are working on that.

Again, My apologies to Yellen.


The Bully
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Sep 15, 2010
Long Island, NY
I'm glad to hear you reach out and apologize Ron. Since the thread in question was closed, I couldn't post my thoughts. While the OP handled it wrong IMHO, calling a customer...any customer...a moron was wrong on your part. But I'm not suprised by this post at all as I've seen you on here as a stand-up guy and a great BOTL.

I hope Yeller accepts the apology.


BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
Kudos to both sides on this one for manning up and apologizing. As has been said by others in the past, the site is called Brothers Of The Leaf for a reason. We could all use a reminder of that every now and again, and it's good to see things being handled the right way. Good on ya Ron.