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I asked this on facebook, and got nowhere... Maybe the brothers can help?


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
So I showed my 4.5 year old son New Hope and Empire for the first time this month... his mind is totally blown, and I am loving every minute of it, but he is coming up with some crazy-a$$ questions and some I can't answer. I can't bring myself to lie to the little dude, but at the same time, he won't let them go... any Star Wars fans still floating around here?

Most of the questions are easy, like "Why did Luke blow up the Death Star?" or "Is Han Solo a good guy, or a bad guy?" or "Will Obi-wan ever come back to life?" but the one he is most obsessed with (and that I have no answer for) is: How old is Darth Vader? I dunno, and like I said, I can't lie to him. Does anyone with Star Wars knowledge wanna help me out with this one - maybe come up with an estimation routine? I figure this would be a good time to talk about something other than the usual ol' stuff...


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Mar 20, 2013
San Diego, CA
"Anakin is 9 years old in the Phantom Menace, there is 10 years in between ep I and ep II so in ep II Anakin is 19, there is 3 years between ep II and ep III so when Anakin goes into the suit and becomes Darth Vader he is 22 years old. There are 19 years between ep III and ep IV so Vader is 41 years old, there are 3 years between ep IV and ep V so Vader is 44 years old , there is one year in between ep V and ep VI so Vader/Anakin is 45 years old when he dies. "


BoM March 2013
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Oct 27, 2012
well technically he is 0 since he isn't born yet, but when your son asks, what movie is he asking about his age in?

found this answer from yahoo answers, have no idea if this is accurate

WARNING, SPOILERS (but really if you haven't seen the movies by now....)

Anakin is 9 years old in the Phantom Menace, there is 10 years in between ep I and ep II so in ep II Anakin is 19, there is 3 years between ep II and ep III so when Anakin goes into the suit and becomes Darth Vader he is 22 years old. There are 19 years between ep III and ep IV so Vader is 41 years old, there are 3 years between ep IV and ep V so Vader is 44 years old , there is one year in between ep V and ep VI so Vader/Anakin is 45 years old when he dies.
edit: lol, looks like kgd found it while I was searching :)
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Jul 1, 2013
Boiling Springs, SC
"Darth Vader" - Dead at 44.
Jake Lloyd - Currently 24.
Hayden Christensen - Currently 32.
Bob Anderson - Dead at 89.
Sebastian Shaw - Dead at 89.
David Prowse - Currently 78.
James Earl Jones - Currently 82.

If that doesn't answer this question, nothing will.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
"Darth Vader" - Dead at 44.
Jake Lloyd - Currently 24.
Hayden Christensen - Currently 32.
Bob Anderson - Dead at 89.
Sebastian Shaw - Dead at 89.
David Prowse - Currently 78.
James Earl Jones - Currently 82.

If that doesn't answer this question, nothing will.
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May 21, 2013
New Hampshire
"Darth Vader" - Dead at 44.
Jake Lloyd - Currently 24.
Hayden Christensen - Currently 32.
Bob Anderson - Dead at 89.
Sebastian Shaw - Dead at 89.
David Prowse - Currently 78.
James Earl Jones - Currently 82.

If that doesn't answer this question, nothing will.
So if you add the seven people's above age together it comes to 438 than divide 438 by 7 = 62.57. Hahaha