I knew that would get your attention:headroll: Of course I am a member here and this is 100% sarcasm- so here is the real story. My girlfriend had a doctors appointment in a town an hour and a half away so I picked two sticks to burn, one for the way there, one for the way back. The first was a Tat noella gifted to me by Jolietfire. What an amazing smoke- I finished it right before the door to the doctors office. The second was my standby never let me down, always good, never dissapoints Padron 000. And heres were I get the nerve to say I have a bone to pick with Tats- they ruined my favorite cigar. That Noella was so full of flavor an hour later the Padron was like smoking cardboard:crytears: My taste buds were overlaoded, the Padron was virtually flavorless. Since then I have enjoyed every Padron I fired up. My solution to the problem- well I think you know what my next box purchase will be:devil: