This has been going on for about three to four weeks now. I have a constant sweet taste in my mouth. It is mostly on my lips and gums. I have been on the Paleo diet for five weeks. I have done a internet search what I have been reading is diabetis which the VA says I am border line before. It also says low carb diet can cause it. I do not know if the diet I am is is low carb. I need some advice I need to make a doctors appoitment soon. I feel fine actually I feel great since the diet and lost close to 25 pounds. Thank you brothers and sisters for the help.
"Life's journey is not to arrive in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, "Shouting....Holy Shit....what a ride!"
"Life's journey is not to arrive in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, "Shouting....Holy Shit....what a ride!"