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I like how this Mother thinks.


Belicoso Brother
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Apr 15, 2009
Denver, CO
I don't have kids yet but I am filing this away for when that time comes. Thanks for posting

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BoM March 2013
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Oct 27, 2012
In general, I really like the fact that a parent is trying to be responsible and be a parent, but some of the points I don't necessarily like. Like telling a kid that a present you gave them is not theirs and you are only loaning it to them, that kinda rubs me the wrong way (probably due to my own experiences). I understand letting the kid know that if they misuse the phone they will take it away from them as punishment, but it's a gift and just because you paid for it doesn't mean it belongs to you after you give it away and not something you should condone.

Disclamier: I have no kids and reserve the right to completely change my opinion once I do :)
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Jul 20, 2012
In general, I really like the fact that a parent is trying to be responsible and be a parent, but some of the points I don't necessarily like. Like telling a kid that a present you gave them is not theirs and you are only loaning it to them, that kinda rubs me the wrong way (probably due to my own experiences). I understand letting the kid know that if they misuse the phone they will take it away from them as punishment, but it's a gift and just because you paid for it doesn't mean it belongs to you after you give it away and not something you should condone.

Disclamier: I have no kids and reserve the right to completely change my opinion once I do :)

I totally agree with the gift part, it was a bit odd. Overall I think the message was awesome. I am 26 and work for a technology company so I can understand where the mom was coming from telling him to leave the phone behind every once in a while. It's so easy to be locked into our iPhones and iPads. I love the part about the naked pics, I imagine it is really hard to explain how ridiculous the punishment is for that sort of thing.
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Aug 17, 2012
I could appreciate other's appreciation of this article, I personally think it's unrealistic and some points were rather archaic. I believe there's more good to tech than bad. .02


BoM December 2012
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Nov 10, 2011
Columbus, OH
I like the rules this mom laid out, but the part I find odd (and kinda sad really) is how being a good parent is such a "newsworthy story" in this day & age.
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Mar 21, 2011
Dominican Republic
I could appreciate other's appreciation of this article, I personally think it's unrealistic and some points were rather archaic. I believe there's more good to tech than bad. .02
Sorry to disagree but that is a fine document for the kid. Parents are responsibles for their kids, and this mom is just warning her son and giving him advices. Nowhere in the text does it looks like technology is bad...she's just pointing out the bad extremes we see now.
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Dec 27, 2012
Ruther Glen,Va
Having kids I find this to be funny in the sence that she things a 13 year old boy want abuse a phone. Having a teen a expect that my kid will do things that I want like but it's my job to instill right and wrong into her thinking.


Navin R Johnson
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Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
Don't take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.
oh how i wish (with a handful of exceptions) that my experiences lived in my memory forever...
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Dec 19, 2012
Reside in Lock Haven PA
Look out the window and wonder without googling, such a prophetic statement having all the answer a few clicks away really does dull my imagination and creative juices some... I wonder how they do that hmmm lets google it lol. Too bad google still can not track me down a box of FFP's or dirty rats...
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Jul 16, 2011
Olympia, WA
When the wife and I decided to give our kids cell phones I told them very clearly that the phone was theirs, a reward for good grades. I followed that up with the kicker. The service (read, monthly phone bill) belongs to mom and dad and would be turned it off if rules were broken or grades began to slip. Found out very quickly that it was the daily "phone off" hours that were trampled on. Texting instead of doing homework, staying up until o-dark hundred calling and texting friends or texting during class were the biggest problems. Both kids realized very quickly just how fast the phone service could be turned off and the problem ceased.

For any parents thinking of letting their kids have phones, if you are going to have any rules at all I would advise setting clear times when the phone is to be turned off. We stay pretty active in our kids school life and without fail all of our kids teachers will tell us that kids, despite school policy, will spend more time texting their friends then paying attention in the classroom. We also found, rather quickly, that teenagers staying up into the a.m. texting instead of sleeping are some of the grumpiest little human beings on the planet...for those that have teenagers, you can relate. Okay, off the soap box.
