i went up to new york to my buddies house to spend some time with him and do some fishing with him on the lake he lives. he has been battling cancer for the second time and the meds and chemo was really making him sick alot over the weekend. we managed to get a few hours in on the lake yesterday and this morning. we had a good time talking and stuff. i knew he couldnt stay long on the water. george actually got me back into cigars over a year ago as we was working a beerfest in the poconos. he was selling cigars for his biz and i was helping him with the booth. this weekend george wasnt good at all. so i left this morning around 10 to come home. now its about a 2 1/2 hour drive back home. well i got a phone call from his phone and it was his wife calling me, crying her eyes out and saying that george passed away not long after i left to come home and thanking me for coming up this weekend and spending time with them as he was looking forward to it. i am truly shocked and no cancer can be really ugly witht eh chemo and meds he was taking. RIP George, your not suffering anymore, rest well my friend and i will see you on the other side sometime. i will miss you.