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I Met A Rock Star

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Feb 19, 2015
So I was in Nashville and decided to stop by the Smoker's Abbey and pick up a couple LA Imperiosos. I went in, saw some guys sitting and smoking, went in the humidor, got three cigars, paid and was leaving. I had my phone in one hand and cigars in the other as I was backing out the door and saw a guy sitting with a bright red Crowned Heads hat on. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I got to meet @JonHuber. The man, the myth, the legend, the rock star. Talked with him very briefly (didn't want to mess up a rock star's relaxing afternnon) while trying not to act like a 12 year old girl at a One Direction concert. Jon gave me one of the lancero cigars that is coming soon from Crowned Heads. Haven't tried it out yet, too much yard work to do this evening, but will definitely be trying it out this weekend. Just wanted to make sure i gave a big thanks @JonHuber. Still hoping to check out the Crowned Heads HQ in the near future, would really enjoy sitting and herfing with a rock star.