Thanks for the thoughts, dude. The final pullout is being conducted in the only way it can be, which is as quietly and securely as possible in order to ensure force protection. Were we to make a big public deal out of it in Iraq, I can assure you that some of those troops would not be coming home, or would do so in pieces. Iraq is still a very volatile place, and if you keep an eye on the news, it's pretty likely to get worse in the coming months. The sad fact of the matter is that the Iraqi government, military, and police force are nowhere near ready to provide real security for their country, and probably never will be for a long list of reasons too numerous to go into here. Some time in 2012, look for the Iraqi government to ask the US to bring back some troops. And look for it to happen. As for hero's welcomes, if you go to the airports where the planes land for the first time in the US, you'll see the crowds of people in those airports stopping and applauding the troops that they know have just returned from a war zone. I saw it myself from the troops' point of view, and it just about brought me to tears. That, my friend, is more of a hero's welcome than most of us expect, and more than is necessary. We honestly don't expect a pat on the back, a standing ovation, or a parade. A simple thank you or a handshake is more than enough, and we really get so much more. For the most part, even people who are against the conflicts in which we are involved are still very supportive of the troops who carry it out. What a great country. Merry Christmas, and, as always, thanks for your support. HOOAH!