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If you've ever had upstairs nieghbors...


I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
OMG that's funny

I once had a couple of guys that were "profesionnal dancers" and worked by night, living under us. The landlord told me to gently pay them a visit asking them to lower their volume, when they were noisy, but when they were "practicing" at 2AM, no way I was about to go and "pay them a visit" for them to stop the loud music waking up my newborn; I used the "bang loudly on the floor" technique instead.


Nerf herder
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Apr 2, 2015
So true! And if they arnt loud, you'll get the ones who jump up and down and stomp on the floor as soon as you turn on your TV with the volume set to one


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
We have a condo in San Diego that we use a few times a year when we're escaping the heat from Atlanta....had some whackjobs who were like these idiots in the video so I asked nicely a few times to no avail and then started to leave flaming bags of cow$hit in a metal barn on a day that is 99 degrees with a humidity of 100%...don't ask me where I get them...just suffice to say I found a place. Everytime they got loud....a bag of cow$hit appeared afterwards at a time they didn't know when it arrives....I staggered the times. They finally caught my "drift" but could never prove I did it...( a mask and hood pretty much keeps my identity a secret ). It only took a couple of weeks to stop the madness from them.


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
We have a condo in San Diego that we use a few times a year when we're escaping the heat from Atlanta....had some whackjobs who were like these idiots in the video so I asked nicely a few times to no avail and then started to leave flaming bags of cow$hit in a metal barn on a day that is 99 degrees with a humidity of 100%...don't ask me where I get them...just suffice to say I found a place. Everytime they got loud....a bag of cow$hit appeared afterwards at a time they didn't know when it arrives....I staggered the times. They finally caught my "drift" but could never prove I did it...( a mask and hood pretty much keeps my identity a secret ). It only took a couple of weeks to stop the madness from them.
You sir are pure genius!!

Our upstairs neighbors used to be pretty loud. That was until my wife gave them a piece of her mind. She figured it was safer for them if she went up there instead of me. She's correct. Last time I had a neighbor issue (10 years ago), I got their attention to get them to come out and "discuss" some issues. Haha, I used to be a bit "intense" when it came to matters. I also don't drink anymore, so you do the math.
They are ok now, but at times they need a reminder that blasting music over our bedroom is not acceptable at 12am on a weeknight, or 2:30 or so on weekends.
Can't wait to have our own place.
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Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
You sir are pure genius!!

Our upstairs neighbors used to be pretty loud. That was until my wife gave them a piece of her mind. She figured it was safer for them if she went up there instead of me. She's correct. Last time I had a neighbor issue (10 years ago), I got their attention to get them to come out and "discuss" some issues. Haha, I used to be a bit "intense" when it came to matters. I also don't drink anymore, so you do the math.
They are ok now, but at times they need a reminder that blasting music over our bedroom is not acceptable at 12am on a weeknight, or 2:30 or so on weekends.
Can't wait to have our own place.
It's creativity that keeps your life interesting plus the fact that some revenge is necessary for good mental health...no need to store up all that anger and resentment....get a bag of cow$hit and relieve the stress. I used to do what you did..send the wife to iron things out but she got tired of it and I know when I used to confront people back in the day it would escalate into an exchange of who is going to win this argument. Being able to laugh at those idiots stomping on that bag of cow$hit after it was lit....just gave me the $hitgiggles.


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
It's creativity that keeps your life interesting plus the fact that some revenge is necessary for good mental health...no need to store up all that anger and resentment....get a bag of cow$hit and relieve the stress. I used to do what you did..send the wife to iron things out but she got tired of it and I know when I used to confront people back in the day it would escalate into an exchange of who is going to win this argument. Being able to laugh at those idiots stomping on that bag of cow$hit after it was lit....just gave me the $hitgiggles.
Great advice! I'm working on my ability to deal with people in a rational manner, and it's getting better.
But you're right, being able to laugh at the end result of some revenge would be a nice relief!


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Great advice! I'm working on my ability to deal with people in a rational manner, and it's getting better.
But you're right, being able to laugh at the end result of some revenge would be a nice relief!
It's been a lifetime of anger management for me.....my needle is pretty much pegged at an 8 out of 10 before anything happens. When stuff happens that needle is pretty much in the nuclear code so I don't get out between the hours of 7-9....or at 5 pm and 7...that's just looking for trouble. I try to keep myself entertained with cigars and travel until the knucklehead behind me keeps hitting me in the legs with his bags or the idiot at Krogers keeps hitting me from behind..3 times....with his cart. Yes, I'm pretty much a $hitMagnet for others to come into my space and then become retarded right in front of me by doing stupid things.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
The only upstairs neighbors I ever had were when I was a kid. About 16 to be exact. The lady that lived above us was a stripper that would "entertain" guys from time to time. First the smell of incense, then some bass music and then sounds that as a 16 yr old boy could listen to all day.
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Jun 19, 2014
Northwest Indiana
I was once a noisy upstairs neighbor. Party with friends smoking n drinking till 1-2am on weekdays, 4a on weekends. In hindsight, I was a dick. Cops visited a few times. I was 18, and the only one of my friends that had my own place, so...

To appease my neighbors a bit, I ditched the bed frame and just put the box spring on the floor. Less creaking.