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I'm back... if you noticed I was gone =P

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Sep 20, 2013
Orange County, NY
Hey folks,

When I used to manage a forum I used to get annoyed when a new guy would sign up, make some posts, start getting into the community and randomly disappear.
Just wanted to drop a line and let you who may have noticed know that I'm alive!

I spent the last week or three back and forth with hospital visits watching my grandmother get worse and worse day by day from a simple damned infection caused by a hospital operation.
9 days in hospice was hell for the family, but she's finally out of her pain and misery, and for that I'm thankful. We followed all her wishes and I'm happy that none of my family members got stupid, as family members can do in times like these. (how many deaths have caused rifts in families?)

Anyway, here I am. Weather getting cold and I'm figuring how many stogies I can smoke in front of my range hood before my girlfriend kills me. (last tenant put in this range hood that will suck your face off if you get too close, its awesome!)
Also wondering about having cigars in my basement.. which is field stone and drafty and not insulated.. but it's got a nice amount of creepy-crawlies and I dunno if I want that kind of company ! HAH.

Forgot where I was going with this, because I'm being reminded about taking air conditioners out of windows.. which I guess I'll get to now.

See you guys in the threads !
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Jun 7, 2013
Goshen, IN, USA
Glad to see you back and my condolences on your loss. My buddy has a basement like that and we used to smoke in it with very little complaints from his wife because the draft was crazy huge! He bought a large air purifier from Walmart for around $100 and we just sat by the biggest crack in the wall and puffed away! We wised up halfway through the winter a couple years ago and bought an outside heating lap and kept nice and warm from then on. Was actually a pretty good setup. And the more we used it the fewer critters there were around so it was a double win for him!


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Sorry to read of your grandmother's passing; my condolences. We are glad to have you back and look forward to reading of your leaf adventures.
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Sep 20, 2013
Orange County, NY
Stopping by this thread (been lurking) to thank you all for sending forth condolences :)

@KoreanCowboy that's not such a bad idea ! I think if my heat is running (exposed hot water heat pipes down there) it may be enough to keep the place warm-ish.. last winter I had a few out-of-fuel situations so I bought some nice infrared heaters. Not this time though, already ordered oil, hope to be filled up Monday !