BoM December 2011
Dear Brothers,
It weighs heavy on my heart to share with you some solemn news. Our beloved Founder and friend, Eric, passed away last night while in hospice care at home.
The journey Eric and his wife Maria have endured over the past couple of months has been marked by relentless battles against illness, hospital visits, and the daunting task of preparing for what lies ahead. While I respect their privacy and won't delve into the specifics, I want you to know that Eric was being cared for with the utmost compassion and surrounded by the warmth of his loved ones in his last days and hours.
So who the heck am I and why am I sharing this?
Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Mike, or Mikey as some of you may know me. For those who've been here since the early days, my username might ring a bell. I've had the privilege of sharing memorable moments with Eric and our community—from the original chat room to trips to Nicaragua with E and various gatherings across the country. When Eric called myself and Derek in February to let us know he was sick, he asked me to help him with certain responsibilities concerning this community, and I'm going to do my best fulfill those. I don’t know what that all means just yet, but you have to bear with me as I try to figure it out.
In light of this news, I urge each of us to pause and reflect on the impact Eric has had on our lives. This forum isn't just a virtual space; it's a sanctuary where friendships blossomed, where Brothers and Sisters of the Leaf found kinship, and where countless cherished memories were created. Eric's legacy will endure through the bonds forged and the camaraderie we've shared. I met so many people on here and remain friends with them today that I never, ever would have crossed paths with.
Let's hold Eric, Maria and his family close in our thoughts and prayers during this challenging time.
This picture is of E and Maria when they got married on February 25th, shortly after we got the news he was sick.
E said something to me a few years ago when our other friend Ara passed away. He said to never miss the opportunity to say I love you to your friends as awkward as it may feel for guys to do that sometimes. I'm lucky I had that chance to say it to him on the phone a few weeks ago.
Rest is peace old friend. I love you and will miss you E.

It weighs heavy on my heart to share with you some solemn news. Our beloved Founder and friend, Eric, passed away last night while in hospice care at home.
The journey Eric and his wife Maria have endured over the past couple of months has been marked by relentless battles against illness, hospital visits, and the daunting task of preparing for what lies ahead. While I respect their privacy and won't delve into the specifics, I want you to know that Eric was being cared for with the utmost compassion and surrounded by the warmth of his loved ones in his last days and hours.
So who the heck am I and why am I sharing this?
Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Mike, or Mikey as some of you may know me. For those who've been here since the early days, my username might ring a bell. I've had the privilege of sharing memorable moments with Eric and our community—from the original chat room to trips to Nicaragua with E and various gatherings across the country. When Eric called myself and Derek in February to let us know he was sick, he asked me to help him with certain responsibilities concerning this community, and I'm going to do my best fulfill those. I don’t know what that all means just yet, but you have to bear with me as I try to figure it out.
In light of this news, I urge each of us to pause and reflect on the impact Eric has had on our lives. This forum isn't just a virtual space; it's a sanctuary where friendships blossomed, where Brothers and Sisters of the Leaf found kinship, and where countless cherished memories were created. Eric's legacy will endure through the bonds forged and the camaraderie we've shared. I met so many people on here and remain friends with them today that I never, ever would have crossed paths with.
Let's hold Eric, Maria and his family close in our thoughts and prayers during this challenging time.
This picture is of E and Maria when they got married on February 25th, shortly after we got the news he was sick.
E said something to me a few years ago when our other friend Ara passed away. He said to never miss the opportunity to say I love you to your friends as awkward as it may feel for guys to do that sometimes. I'm lucky I had that chance to say it to him on the phone a few weeks ago.
Rest is peace old friend. I love you and will miss you E.