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Island Jim cigar giveaway

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Dec 2, 2014
NE Indiana
You do know that it's 5 o'clock somewhere, right?!

And that somewhere is wherever my good amigo Island Jim happens to be!

So here’s to warmer weather, cool drinks and great cigars by Island Jim and Oscar Valladares.

Jim was an early supporter of Rodrigo Cigars. In fact, I did my first cigar event ever at his famous Leaf & Bean shop in Pittsburgh.

I’m really thrilled to return the many favors Jim has bestowed the boutique cigar community and spread the Island Jim love

This one is sure to leave you feeling ”irie”… ready to break out the Tommy Bahamas and yellow shades so you can be just like Jim ;)

I’m giving away the following prize to one lucky winner:

21 ct. Box of Island Jim # TWO (srp $210)
An Island Jim solid pewter ashtray (srp $50)
A sampler of LEAF by Oscar (srp $40)
Total value = $300
WAHOO!!! Now THAT’S a giveaway!!!

And of course that’s not all…

When you enter the giveaway you’ll get an exclusive offer on Island Jim cigars from RodrigoCigars.com that you won’t see anywhere else, ever, ever.

Looking to pick up some LEAF by Oscar and Island Jim cigars today? Check out a local retailer.

Remember to share the giveaway with all of your amigos to increase your chances to win this awesome prize!

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Jan 15, 2015
N. Texas
I'm in; never had one... Course, I am enjoying a tall whisky & soda with a Hemingway in the N. Texas sunshine, so I fit the profile?