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It's a BOY!!! (part II)

The BurgerMeister

the devil is a busy man.
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Jun 27, 2010
Inland Empire.
thanks, everyone, for your kind words in the other thread. it truly is a magical experience to have a child. :)

i didn't really tell the full story, and i apologize... but i was keeping positive in view of everything that happened.

so, after the crazy prodromal labor week and hours of active labor, the wife and i were resting while little Alex was getting cleaned and tested in the nursery (that "headphone" picture in the other thread was a hearing test). i went to get him and brought him back to the recovery room. we were just sitting there looking at our sleeping baby when a doctor came in to tell us she needed to give Alex a complete physical. so she took him away, and the next time we saw him he was in isolation in the NICU.

a doctor came to our room to tell us that they had found what looked like herpetic legions on Alex's forehead and genitals. he told us about the transfer to the NICU and that they were going to have to perform tests on him to make sure he didn't have HSV. needless to say we were freaking out. neither of us have herpes, we're both very healthy with no medical conditions, etc. they told us where to call to talk to the doctor. when we did, he told us that little Alex would have to undergo many tests, including a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). needless to say (again), we were freaking out. we were reassured by the doctor and family that they were covering all their bases and making sure he didn't have bacterial or viral infections in his blood or in his spinal fluid. they were checking for meningitis and herpes and many other things.

so we've been checking in on our little boy for the past few days in the NICU isolation room. feeding him, cleaning him, holding him... he's been completely healthy in every respect except for the mysterious legions.

we just got the news that all the test results came back negative for viral and bacterial infections. :thumbsup: :clap: :yes:

we are getting discharged today, and taking our little son home (finally)!

i had to start the other thread in the midst of all this to keep myself thinking positive. it was terrible to have to wait and wait for test results. we knew in our hearts that he was fine, but the doctors had to make absolutely sure.

thanks, BOTL, for being there for me! i'm still new here, and i don't know any of you personally, but it's good to have a place to talk things out.

-The BurgerMeister (david).


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Jul 17, 2010
You know the doctors.....the real doctors who really care about there work just want to make sure everything is ok. Gotta love'em when they go the extra length. Thank God everything is good. A Dave doesn't it make you feel good....to have a lil boy! God Bless

The BurgerMeister

the devil is a busy man.
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Jun 27, 2010
Inland Empire.
the lesions were just a type of common baby rash that took a strange shape on his forehead. it was reminiscent of herpetic lesions, so they took no chances. it turned out to be Erythema toxicum.

The BurgerMeister

the devil is a busy man.
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Jun 27, 2010
Inland Empire.
well, little Alex has been home for 2 days and we're having so much fun together. i don't know why, but i was so happy when he spat up on me.

does that make me weird? :dunno:

all i can say is, i'm looking forward to every day being this kid's father. it's already a blast!

thanks everyone for your support and kind words. long live BOTL! :)
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Oct 31, 2009
One of my boys was in the nicu so it's a relief when all is well and everyone is home. Enjoy your time with your son.