Reporting from Europe this week. It's been a lot of fun so far, and have met all sorts of characters and stuffed my face with all kinds of ethnic foods and stuff.
Here in Holland for another two days, visiting Tobacconists and legendary tobacco places, then to Germany on Tuesday for the European Trade show in the city of Dortmund (which is EU version of IPCPR).

JD & Pedro moving through the train system in Germany because we flew to Dusseldorf and went straight to Rotterdam, Holland. We got lost for three hours. It was Pedro's fault.

This dude who works in one of the cigar shops in Amsterdam was gigging on the new custom done Liga Rings. Heavy Silver jimmy jam.

Nice looking little fat Cuban H Upman. I'd say 3.5x44.

JD had her smiling for sure. See the full video on my YouTube "Jonathan Drew". She's fine.

Extra shot but don't do her justice. God Bless Holland.

That's a dude from the big Dutch Forum called, Da Rod ...

Here's a shot that has no special effects but was kinda 3D like of myself at the Dutch Big Smoke.

That's a shot of a Dutch Posse who throws cigar parties/events every two weeks called

Working the crowd spreading Undercrown Cheer.

Pedro Gomez, who runs DE Tourism and International Fulfillment in Europe stands in front of the Dirty sign.

JD unlocking the Dirty Energy.

Unlocking the Food Items at the Chinese joint.
Drop some more later from EU.
Reporting from Europe this week. It's been a lot of fun so far, and have met all sorts of characters and stuffed my face with all kinds of ethnic foods and stuff.
Here in Holland for another two days, visiting Tobacconists and legendary tobacco places, then to Germany on Tuesday for the European Trade show in the city of Dortmund (which is EU version of IPCPR).

JD & Pedro moving through the train system in Germany because we flew to Dusseldorf and went straight to Rotterdam, Holland. We got lost for three hours. It was Pedro's fault.

This dude who works in one of the cigar shops in Amsterdam was gigging on the new custom done Liga Rings. Heavy Silver jimmy jam.

Nice looking little fat Cuban H Upman. I'd say 3.5x44.

JD had her smiling for sure. See the full video on my YouTube "Jonathan Drew". She's fine.

Extra shot but don't do her justice. God Bless Holland.

That's a dude from the big Dutch Forum called, Da Rod ...

Here's a shot that has no special effects but was kinda 3D like of myself at the Dutch Big Smoke.

That's a shot of a Dutch Posse who throws cigar parties/events every two weeks called

Working the crowd spreading Undercrown Cheer.

Pedro Gomez, who runs DE Tourism and International Fulfillment in Europe stands in front of the Dirty sign.

JD unlocking the Dirty Energy.

Unlocking the Food Items at the Chinese joint.
Drop some more later from EU.