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Junior Seau Scuicide


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Dec 13, 2004
Tampa, FL
most people think that money and fame put you on top of the world. here is proof that it does not.

Shame this had too happen.


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Oct 20, 2011
I wonder if this is related to his concussion history
Someone told me that TMZ has an article about a past NFL player did the same thing and shot himself in the chest. Left a note to donate the brain to science. Very sad. I cant look it up now because Im on the work computer.


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Aug 18, 2011
Three sheets to the wind
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Feb 28, 2011
Obviously he was disturbed. His past after the NFL was volatile at best. Sad it had to come to this...
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May 2, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I think I may be in the minority here, but I am pissed at Junior for this. If a man can look at his kids, and NOT find a reason to live, he does not deserve his family, regardless of a medical condition. Death is sad, but I look at this as he did an extremely selfish thing. Did anyone see his mother's interview? She sounded like she wanted to join him. THAT is the saddest part of suicide...your loved ones having to suffer.
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Feb 28, 2011
To be at the point of suicide, you are not in your right mind.

My neighbor, a good friend, always hated people who committed suicide. Said they were taking the easy way out, etc. Now he's a bit OCD and was having trouble at work, but he's worked there for 32 years, so nothing that would get him fired, just a small incident and his first in all that time. He obsessed so much about it, that in the end, he put a gun to his head. He left a wife and two boys, the ages of my own (12 and 14). We know he thought it out as he waited for his wife to take the kids to school and did it after they left, and even put a bag over his head so he wouldn't make to big a mess in the garage. Still, he wasn't right because that simply wasn't him doing it...talk about a drug imbalance or something. This happened last month. :/

As for JR doing it, it sux for his family. I personally don't give two shits about him, but his family will suffer with it for a while and that's the shit of it.


BoM December 2012
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Nov 10, 2011
Columbus, OH
I had a best friend commit suicide when we were in High School. It still affects me to this day. It's a very selfish act & it scars your family & friends for life.
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May 2, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
To be at the point of suicide, you are not in your right mind.

My neighbor, a good friend, always hated people who committed suicide. Said they were taking the easy way out, etc. Now he's a bit OCD and was having trouble at work, but he's worked there for 32 years, so nothing that would get him fired, just a small incident and his first in all that time. He obsessed so much about it, that in the end, he put a gun to his head. He left a wife and two boys, the ages of my own (12 and 14). We know he thought it out as he waited for his wife to take the kids to school and did it after they left, and even put a bag over his head so he wouldn't make to big a mess in the garage. Still, he wasn't right because that simply wasn't him doing it...talk about a drug imbalance or something. This happened last month. :/

As for JR doing it, it sux for his family. I personally don't give two shits about him, but his family will suffer with it for a while and that's the shit of it.
First, I'm sorry for your loss (as well as the man's family). That being said, my comment was based solely on my perception. Obviously there are more things that come into play but I just believe wholeheartedly that if put in a situation where you are contemplating life or death, having a wife/husband, children, is reason enough to live. I don't think I will ever be able to understand how that answer could ever not be true.


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Oct 20, 2011
I can agree that it feels like a selfish act, and is in the end. But try to imagine what is driving them to this. Like Dave Duerson (sp?), it was from his concussion history. Probably migranes and such. My wife had a migraine for 3 months straight. STRAIGHT! It put ME through the ringer, and I cant imagine what it felt like for her. Come to find out, it was from birth control, and shes good now, but back to topic. Try to imagine what is driving them to this point. What pains them so much, physically or mentally, that they want to leave this world and their loved ones? Point is, you cant really. Otherwise, youd be in the same boat. I obviously dont condone this, and feel horrible for his family, and for families that have ever had to go through this. But just hope, that you never really understand what they go through.
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Nov 24, 2009
The Dirty Dirty
I don't know about the parallels with concussions & suicide. I know a bunch of people who committed suicide who were never put in positions to receive concussions... I know it's one of the leading causes of death now. I don't know the exact statistics, but I know it's up there. You have to be wired a little differently to play defense, & to do what he did for so long at the NFL level. He had to be in that frame of mind his entire life almost. That has to take it's toll on you mentally after a while. Just an awful situation, & I feel for his family.


Lost at the Lake
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Sep 21, 2009
Heart of 10,000 lakes
Mental illness is very serious and confusing. Suicide is selfish but most people don't realize its a constant battle in your head. I have lived with bipolar my whole life and its no picnic. Most of the time i can live my life normally but then there are times when I get so depressed I feel like suicide is the only way out even though I have a son to take care of and family that would be devastated. I am lucky to have a support group and family that is able to help me when I am at my worst. Some people don't have that, they are either to proud to admit something is wrong or don't know where to turn to.

I am very sad for hid family and friends. I just wished he would have reached out for help.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Over a month later, but here in SD, we still miss Junior.

He was an Oceanside High Alumn... a local boy. He did a lot for this town, and for "North County" San Diego.
(I am drunk, and lamenting... please ignore.)