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Jury Duty


BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
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Mar 24, 2005
I have to call next Monday to see if I have to go in Tuesday. I get paid so I don't mind. I've never had to serve so I kind of want to.

What are your thoughts/feelings?
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Dec 26, 2005
I have not had to go to a jury summons since 2000.

One of the questions they asked my was "Do you trust the police force to make the right decisions"?

I said NO.

They have not asked me to be a juror since.

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Dec 15, 2005
Go!!! It can be a good experience.
Last time I was on Jury duty it was a civil case in federal court. When the case went to the jury, I was the hold out- 11 to 1. Within 2 hours all agreed with me and both sides went home with nothing, except the bills from their attorneys. The judge thanked us for making the right decision and then laid into both sides for the ridiculous manner that they tried the case and for wasting his time, the jurors time and the country's time.


Jan '06 BoM
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Aug 11, 2005
Tom I always dreaded the call to jury duty and the possibility of ending up on a trial. Two years ago I was selected for Federal jury duty and was picked for a jury. It ended up being a great experience and I recommend it for all.

It's a nice bonus that your work pays you for it because that can make it a struggle for some. Go and enjoy it!


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
I've gotten one summons. I have no problem whatsoever serving and KIND OF look forward to it, but they hit me at the wrong time. I had just booked tickets to fly up north and see hte parents on the same weekend they wanted me. I sent back my summons explaining my situation and they excused me. I assume I'll see another summons sooner rather than later.
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Oct 22, 2005
Gainesville, FL
It is a part of our civic duty as American citizens. That being said, if you have a legitimate excuse for absence, then let them know. Some places require you to call the night before, and they will let you know if you even need to show up. I have had 4-5 jury duty summons, but I have never even had to go yet. I think it would be pretty interesting though.


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
I have gotten two summons. The first was for the county court in Michigan while I was in school for the Army in Virginia...needless to say I did not have to call in.

More recently I got summoned last year. I had to call in for a week straight to see if I had to come in and never had to go in...well, except the one time I forgot to call in. I remembered I forgot to call at like 1pm and they said my group was called in but then dismissed 30 minutes later.

I thought I was going to be arrested or something but nothing happened.


Official BOTL Consigliere
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Dec 18, 2004
Temple, TX
they don't enforce those somummonseseses at all.

I'm glad to see the civic duty sentiment around here. alot of society wails on the justice system, runaway juries and moron juries. yet, alot of people I know who have those views lie/try to get out of jury duty, which is sad.

we're a democracy. government by the popel. I had a prof in law school who made an interesting point:

You have a MUCH more direct, influential role in governeing your community by serving on a jury than voting.

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
I've served several times...seems after the first one, I started getting summoned all the time. There's a limit to the number of times they can call you in a given time limit, but there are multiple courts: city, county, federal.

What's odd is that after being summoned about 10 times over 5 years (and serving 3 times), my wife *finally* received her first summons this past spring. Ha-ha! Almost seems like the system is rigged. ;-)


Still learning...
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Jul 23, 2006
New York, NY
I've been called, but pretty much disqualified because of my occupation.

Experiences can vary. You may be fortunate enough to be empaneled on a criminal trial that has a real victim, so you can feel like you're doing something good and meaningful for the victim and society in general. (That's not to say that on a quote-unquote victimless case you won't feel good... One way or the other you're there to "Do Justice.")

Basically, you'll just be called upon to assess the credibility of each witness- police officers, victims, eyewitnesses, expert witness (at least if it's a criminal trial)... Try not to let any biases, in favor of OR against any witnesses, affect what you see and hear in court.

Having said that, you can do some good on a civil trial too -- it just depends on the case. I'd go with an open mind and be honest about whatever you're asked... If it's a criminal case, you'll probably be asked about any past experiences with the criminal justice system, police officers... were you or any family members the victims of crimes, did you call the police, how did they handle it, was there a trial, etc... Again- whatever your answers are to those questions, the ultimate question is: Can you put aside any positive or negative experiences in the past and just assess the evidence (including not only the testimony of the witnesses but also their demeanor in court and their forthrightness, etc.) that's put before you in this trial...

Oh, and ElectricSheep: In New York and California, you can not be called for jury duty IN ANY CONGRUENT JURISDICTION within a four year period. So in these two states (and Jersey is probably the same as well), if you get called for state/city or federal, you're exempt for four years... And this covers both trial parts as well as grand jury duty. (That'd suck if you can truly be called as often as they need!!!)


BoM May '07
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Dec 21, 2005
About ten years ago I was selected for federal jury duty. Fortunately, I too, get paid by my company. I do have to give my company all of the jury pay that I receive. I live so far from the court that I got paid per diem anyway to cover food and hotel costs. However, even though it did not hurt me financially, I would have done it even if it had.

I believe it is our duty as citizens to partake of the process. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was chosen for trial. On the third day of testimony (big time heroin smuggling case) the case was plea bargained and we were released. Three things really stood out to me. One was the seriousness of the process when you realize that someone's life is in your hands. Doing justice is a serious business. The second was the decorum of the court. Television has done a vast disservice to the court system, especially at the federal level. The process was always polite, reserved, well ordered and respectful. Both attorneys were very careful in their presentation and did not mess with the judge, bailiffs or jurors. The third was the voire dire. I am pretty conservative and figured I would be washed out. However, I am also a professional. It turned out that the case was so complicated and convoluted that both attorneys wanted professional, well educated people on the jury. Whenever there were motions, we were put into the jury room. Since you are not allowed to discuss the case except during deliberations, we got to know each other. I was surprised to find that the entire jury was made up of doctors, engineers, dentists, IT professionals, business managers, etc.

They tell you that the odds are against you being selected even once in a lifetime. Two years ago I was selected again, but in this instance, my pool was never used and we did not have to report. I have never been selected for city or county duty.

To me, it was a very rewarding experience and well worth my time.


Lowly Civil Servant
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Nov 5, 2005
Atlanta Georgia
Well next Monday I get to sit in a room with a couple hundred people I don't know waiting to see if I'll get called. I was called about 4 years ago and spent the better part of the week waiting to not get selected for being a juror. I'm making sure to take plenty of books.


An OG with low post count
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Dec 9, 2004
I hate it, I think its a waste of my time.

They should try it on a volunteer system and see how it works. Maybe more people with interest would show up.

I got called twice, once I did not have to go and then the other time I got dismissed cause I knew the person involved in the case.


Lowly Civil Servant
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Nov 5, 2005
Atlanta Georgia
David I think you're confusing it with The Army of Northern Virginia although a good catch nonetheless.

BTW :eek:fftopic: :innocent:


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Dec 6, 2004
I thought maybe that was his code name for the Army of Northern Virginia. :dunno: