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Just showed this to my students


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
Since this week was PSSA testing, and it's supposed to be low stress for my student's, I decided to show a documentary called "Happy."
Wow, I had forgotten how powerful this movie is and man was I glad to have shown them this film.
There was one scene that really got me though, and the clip is below.
Go to the 3 minute mark if you don't want to hear all Michael Pritchard has to say, but it's good stuff, so maybe listen for a second.
When those kids got up and started talking about being bullied, there's no denying that I was glad to be sitting in the back of the room. It hit me hard, like real hard, and brought back so many memories. Memories of getting pummeled, harassed, picked on, clowned by girls, etc. from 4-8th grade b/c I wasn't part of the "cool crowd," was new, was tiny and an easy target and all that great stuff that happens in school.
I transferred to public school for high school hoping for something better. Same thing for the first couple years, then I fought back and that changed.
Looking back, it was pretty shitty, and I can relate
Sorry for the ramble, but I wanted to say that I understood what these kids are feeling when I watched the movie. It hurt to see young kids so sad, scared, and feeling alone. It made me mad. And it made me realize that maybe this is why I decided to teach. To help out the "little guys." All too often people forget how hard it is being in that situation. Or, they have never been there so they have no frame of reference.
Anyway, watch this clip. You may be able to relate.
Lecture over, here's the clip.
Oh, if you don't like it, don't be a hater. Just ignore it!
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I applaud you brother! I have a teaching degree but was never able to make the leap into it for various reasons.
I do miss it sometimes though. Last year I did a month long substitute assignment in a high school special needs class. Wow. Fulfilling and draining at the same time.


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
Thanks man.
There are definitely trying days, but I just tell myself that in some cases I'm the only positivity in their lives. I'm also very big on discipline, respect, and integrity, and try to instill this into who these kids become. My goal is to get these kids feeling empowered about themselves so they can make some change in the world.
Will it work? I have no idea. But, I do know that even if 1 or 2 kids feel better about themselves as well as learn some proper English/Language Arts skills I feel better.
Philly has some toxic neighborhoods, and helping these kids realize their true potential is important to me.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Its like Dangerous Minds philly style. J/k . You would be surprised how much of a difference you actually make. And from the sounds of it after showing that video you made a big difference.
Keep up the good fight, bro!


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
I also have to commend you and thank you for sharing the movie with the kids and the clip with us. You are an awesome brother and a man making a huge difference in the lives of the future. Hopefully, some will make it into politics and change our country back into what we were 40 or so years ago.