Recieved this stick from Dan(danthebugman) in exchange for a review. I really appreciate it Dan. I havent done many reviews so bear with me please. Here we go!
I really enjoy this line of cigars so I was looking forward to doing this review. My camera crapped out on me after taking the initial picture, so this review only has the one, sorry. This cigar was created by EPC Jr after the demand for more full bodied cigars were asked of the line.
I smoked this stick outside on my deck on a gorgeous 65 degree Alabama fall day. My beverage of choice was ice water and my tools of choice were a Xikar cutter and an EXll soft flame lighter.
Pre light- This is a very nicely packed stick that has a great looking wrapper that was gleaming with oils. I clipped the head and got a nice soft tobacco and hay flavor with a small amount of spice. The draw had a slight resistance which is perfect for me.
1st & 2nd third- After lighting I got a nice blast of spice and soft pepper for the first few draws then it settled into a semi sweet tobacco and earthy flavor that lasted throughout the first half of the stick. There was no nicotine rush whatsoever and the flavors remained fairly consistent.
Final third- I had absolutely no burn issues with the entire cigar and the ash held on tight. When I did roll of an ash, it was in a good 1 3/4-2 inch chunks of nice light gray ash. The flavors remained pretty much the same with the exception of the last third had a leather and wood on the finish that was very pleasant. I smoked this cigar down to the nub until it was too hot to hold any longer.
Final- Not alot of transitions in this stick but the flavors and burn are always nice and consistent in this line. I would say this is a solid medium/full body with very a nice smooth tobacco flavor and a ton of thick white smoke, which I love. I really like the Serie R and the price is spot on imo. Id highly recommend giving this cigar a try as well as the rest of the LGC line.
Thanks again to Danthebugman!