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BoM August '07
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Dec 16, 2004
Sterling, CO
Salvia has been around for a couple years. It supposedly gives you this really intense high for like 5 minutes or something. Seems too expensive to be worth it, but then again I'm not in to that kind of stuff.


Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
When I first heard about it (maybe 6 months ago? Relatively recently, regardless) I misread the name "Salvia" as "Sativa"....as in, "Cannabis Sativa", the botanical name of the marijuana plant.

In a strange turn of events, the media is now claiming it to be the new marajuina.

Wierd how the brain makes the connections sometimes!


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Man, the descriptions of this shit just turn my stomach. I don't understand how people get into this kind of shit. Kind of like I would just sit and stare at this one girl in HS who used to tell me the stories of her trips on Acid. I remember this one time she told me about a party she was at where she had dropped. She was chased around the house by little green goblins that grew out of the floor.

I was like...yeah, :thumbsup:, Sounds like a BLAST! :wtf:


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
Ok I know some of you are waiting for me to chime in, so i will not make you wait any longer.

Salvia is a waste of money and time. I had never heard of it until about a year ago. my little cousin 22 said he had tried some and it was crazy. So being open to new things we bought a little bag of 60x salvia, from the little smoke shop by my house. They have cigars, but there money maker is cigarretts. The stuff does taste horrible, and only last maybe 5 to 10 minutes. Alcohol certainly hightens it's affects. The high is much different than pot but muchmore intense, almost like a short acid trip. (thank god i got out of my heavy drug phase alive) I don't think we shouold worry too much about it though. How many tax dollars are we going to spend fighting a drug that no one is going to want to use? And even if they do isn't going to cause much problems. The US Govt has spent Billions of dollars fighting the war on Pot for 75 years. And for what? So real research can prove it's a benefit to certain folks and California can sell it in vending machines. Put an age limit on it just alcohol and tobacco, and let it be. I don't see people getting hooked on it, and if they do who cares? no way are it's users going to rob a 7-11 in order to get a fix. Fight Crack, Fight Herioine, Fight Coke. Leave the weak shit legal and tax it. Maybe we can pay off some of our national debt with the revenue. Anyway, that's my opinion, not that big a deal.