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Lessons learned from a Month of Monsters

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Feb 5, 2015
Fort Wayne, Indiana
October has recently passed us by. While October is known for many things, like Halloween and my Cincinnati Bengals being undefeated, it is also known for the annual release of Tatuaje's Monster series. There was a thread started by @3/5King last year called Month of the Monsters to celebrate this release and he got the thread active again this year when October began. His line this year really got me thinking "Bust out them Monsters, boys!".

A year ago I had never even heard of Tatuaje (before my life on cigar forums) let alone the Monster series. I bought 3 full size earlier this year to try them out (Jekyll, Jason, Mummy) and I was instantly hooked. I loved those 3 smokes. I went on an all-out search for Monsters. Any and all Monsters. Full-size, Pudgy, or Little. I was able to pick up some of everything with the exception of any full-size Frank. But due to the limited nature of these cigars, how much effort I spent finding them, and frankly how much these things costs, I was finding myself to be timid about actually smoking them. Then 3/5King kicks me in the butt and says to bust them out.

So I set out on a journey to actually smoke the cigars I had been buying. In my humble opinion (learned through this process), cigars are meant to be smoked, not collected or hoarding. I won't say I was exactly collecting or hoarding my Monsters, but I certainly wasn't smoking very many of them. Many thanks to @3/5King for impacting me in a huge way without even knowing it. Thank you sir!

I decided I wanted to smoke 31 Monsters during the month of October, the #MonthofMonsters. I ended up smoking 32 during October. Some full-size, some Pudgy, some Little. It was interesting to be smoking different versions of the same cigars that had been aged different lengths of time. I think I'll do a series of posts inside this thread with some lessons learned and thoughts on the Monsters as I compared and contrasted them.

To start with, I'll discuss my experience with the Full-Size Monsters. During October I smoked at least one full size Drac, Face, Wolf, Mummy, Jason and Jekyll. I didn't have any full-size Frank so I didn't smoke one and while I meant to smoke a Hyde on Halloween evening my plans fell through. Here is my first observation about the full-size Monsters - not sure if this will be controversial or not. For me it was ground breaking and somewhat freeing as it relates to future purchases of them.

Observation: The full-size Drac, Face and Wolf (for me) aren't worth smoking. Flat out, I didn't enjoy them. They weren't very good. Now, I'm not saying they weren't good at one point in time. Matter of fact, Face is my favorite Pudgy and Drac is my favorite Little. But time has not treated these full-size versions well. The flavors were muted. It was disappointing to say the least. Now, if you happen to like these full-size smokes now, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying they didn't do it for me. Especially when to obtain a full size Drac it's about $30, Face $25, and Wolf $20. Matter of fact, I ended up selling my left over full-size Drac, Face and Wolf after October was over.

If I had to rank the full size Monsters as of today I'd say:

1. Jason (far and away my favorite full size)
2. Mummy
3. Jekyll
4. Face
5. Drac
6. Wolf

Note: I haven't smoked the Frank and don't know where it'd fit. Also, I haven't gotten around to smoking a Hyde yet but I'm hearing/reading good things about it so far. Most people seem to think it's better than the Jekyll.

To me the full-size monsters are interesting. They are very long, so you need at least 1 hour 45 minutes to smoke, so for me it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep a huge amount on hand anyway of the older ones (Jason, Mummy). However based on my existing inventory, I believe the only full-size I'd personally consider buying in the future is the Jason. I've got enough of the Jekyll and Hyde to last for a while. I enjoy the Mummy a lot but this makes me wonder if I should smoke all of my full-size Mummy now while I know I like them. Smoke them before they turn boring like Drac, Face and Wolf.

To be sure, it won't be until next October when I smoke another Monster. They are meant to be smoked now!

Anyway, I'll post some other thoughts in this thread over this month. The #MonthofMonsters was a lot of fun. And I'm glad my cigars got enjoyed for their ultimate purpose - to be smoked!
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Feb 28, 2015
I've certainly had cigars that I aged for over a year only to realize I liked them better unaged.
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Feb 5, 2015
Fort Wayne, Indiana
My opening post discussed the lessons learned regarding the full-size version of the Monsters. Today I wanted to turn my attention to the Pudgy Monster versions. I smoked a full box of the Pudgy during the #MonthofMonsters and multiples of most of them as well.

For those of you not aware, the Pudgy Monsters were released in 2014 and 8 different cigars were included in the sampler box, 10 cigars in total. Frank, Drac, Face, Wolf, Mummy and Jason were included along with 2 new Monsters Chuck and Tiff. There were 2 each of the Chuck and Tiff. For the 6 returning Monsters, the cigars were the same ring gauge of the full-size Monster and the same length of the Little Monsters that came out in 2012. I kind of went a little halfwheel there didn't I @atllogix ?

I believe there were 20,000 boxes of these produced. MSRP was/is $95 but you can still find them on the market for lower amounts now. Matter of fact, I picked up a Pudgy box just this last week on cbid for $70 (and there are more Pudgy boxes on cbid now too, current bid was $67 when I looked this morning - here is the link Tatuaje Pudgy Monster Sampler Box - 10 Cigars (#2155624) - CigarBid.com). There are a few retailers who I have seen will sell singles of Pudgy monsters and I have been a great customer of theirs this summer/fall. To my knowledge, only New Havana Cigars still has singles available (New Havana Cigars - the Online Humidor) and only of Tiff, Chuck and Mummy. If anyone knows of a vendor still selling singlesof the others please let me know!

As of this writing, there are 2 Pudgy that I think need more age before they will really hit their prime. The Drac and Mummy are the 2 that I am going to sit on for about 1 or 2 more years before smoking again. The Little Drac is smoking as good as any cigar I've ever had and that is 2 years older than the Pudgy. The Mummy full-size are smoking great as well, and that is 1 year older than the Pudgy. The other 6 are good to smoke now.

If I had to rank them today in terms of favorite to least (based on how they are currently smoking) I would say:

1. Face
2. Frank (I always smoke this with a hot cup of Cafe Au Lait, complements it very well)
3. Jason
4. Wolf
5. Chuck
6. Drac
7. Mummy
8. Tiff

If I were to order them based on how I hope/anticipate the Drac and Mummy to come along in 1 or 2 years I'd say:

1. Drac
2. Face
3. Frank
4. Jason
5. Mummy
6. Wolf
7. Chuck
8. Tiff

I'm glad a few retailers began to break up the boxes and sell singles of the Pudgy series. I was able to purchase the ones I really like in quantities I've wanted. I haven't had to purchase full boxes to get access to my 2 or 3 favorites. Though it doesn't seem like there will be much future opportunity as I've got to believe the 20,000 boxes are about sold out by now.

If you haven't tried the Pudgy Monsters yet and you can find a box for $85 or under, try them out. I can't say that I'd personally pay full MSRP of $95 for them. If you like any of the singles and find a vendor who will break up boxes for you, order them fast and give them a kiss. The Frank and Jason sell out first from what I've seen. Since there are 2 Chuck and Tiff per box and they seem to be the least popular overall, those seem to hang around the longest.

Don't wait until next October to smoke your Pudgy. Smoke them now!
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Oct 2, 2013
Attleboro, Mass
This is a great thread. Thanks for sharing your opinions on the Monster series as a whole. The only two I haven't had are a full size frank and a borris. The Full size monsters are some of my go to movie watching smokes. While there definitely is a collector mentality with these sticks, this thread and the month of the monsters thread are a great reminder that cigars are meant to be smoked. Thanks for putting this together. Now go to your humidor and kill some unicorns!