BoM x 2, BoY 2011
hit the outlaw after work last night. was standing in front of the litto section of the humi and struck up a conversation with eric who is the resident litto whore there. been on an air bender kick recently, but wanted something a little different. he suggested the lg lusitano. according to him, it is one of those true domican puros with all components coming from litto's la canela land. he also said that carlito had helped him with it's production, and i should find it a little similar to opus, apart from the way the opus wrapper is aged obviously. since this is the next day, i'm not calling this a review. plus, coming right out of the humi, it was highly humidified. my buddy and i sat in the lounge and watched the olympics, sipping jefferson presidential bourbon, and enjoying this stick for two hours. the start up was nothing special, but after that first quarter, it opened up and wow. opus like, YES. but not the wine/berry flavor you can get with the opus wrapper. i really liked this cigar. it was $13. the chisel was the same price, but much smaller. the lusi is not a huge cigar. i was told that as the field is still relatively young, the wrapper leaves are limited and not very large. he may make a bigger vitola when the wrapper is available in future times. so, in closing, if you like litto and you like opus, i would recommend this stick highly. ymmv.