Cigar Cowboy Hell!!!
I played a four man scramble in Simi Valley today. We were on the 5th tee box when the craziest thunder storm rolled in. Lightning started striking all around us. Maybe as many as 15 bolts in 3 minutes. One bolt hit a house less than 50 yards from the tee box we were on. That sent us all dropping our irons and running for cover. Moments later another bolt hit a fence that ran along the fairway. Holy crap was it scary. Things like that don't normally scare me, but this was wild!!!! Everyone around us was freaking out.
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Our four man team shot 5 pars and 13 birdies for a -13 to tie for 1st place. Great day!!!!
Lightning ignite fires in Ventura County

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Our four man team shot 5 pars and 13 birdies for a -13 to tie for 1st place. Great day!!!!
Lightning ignite fires in Ventura County