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BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
I don't mean for this thread to be a pity party as I'm not looking for any condolences etc, I want this thread to be positive. Over the last couple weeks I've been to 3 funerals... my wife's grandpa who lived a long and great life, it was expected but still sucks to see a family member leave this world. But the other 2 funerals have weighed on my mind hard this last week and reminds me to live life to the fullest as you never know when it's your time or someone you love.

A very close friend of my in-laws (and who I know well) lost their 29 year old daughter to cancer. Again, love the people you care about and don't take your time for granted. I have had my mother and a few close people go through cancer and it doesn't care who it goes after.

And last night hit me hard again as we laid down one of my weekly get-together cigar buddies. My normal night out from my family is Tuesday nights and I've been doing this for 5 years with the same core group of guys, all older than me. Garry was 55 and was one of those great BOTLs who would do anything for you, give you a cigar just for the hell of it, put a smile on your face, you know those types of people. He was it. His previous wife died many years ago but he met a woman 8 years ago and they just got engaged to be married this coming November... she also came to our weekly herfs and I know her well. They recently bought a house in Reno and she was already living down there waiting for him to move with their final belongings. He died unexpectedly the day he was supposed to leave Seattle for good. Heart problems and undiagnosed severe diabetes just took it's toll. I feel terrible for Linda as they were about to start their new life, then it came crashing down.

Garry had one small cooler of cigars that he had with him while doing his final packing etc. Linda gave me his cooler of cigars after the funeral service and asked me to take them away. Even in death, Garry gave all his cigar buddies one last cigar and we all went to the lounge to smoke a couple in his honor.

Again, I don't want condolences but I just want everyone to realize life is too short and we should live it to the fullest. Don't hold any grudges with your family or old friends, it's not worth it. Do you want your brother that you haven't seen in 5 years to pass away and have regret that you never patched things up? Smoke your good cigars, what are you waiting for? In fact, smoke them with good friends, or your dad, brother etc. Give your dad a hug the next time you see him, you just never know... Heck, give that old lady you see at the grocery store or post office a helping hand. Smile. :)

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May 14, 2012
Well said brother. Thoughts and prayers coming your way! Sounds like you have a pretty good attitude about life. Stay strong man and drop a line if need be.



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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Life is short and precious. This year we lost my 35 year old son. He would have been 36 tomorrow. I would give anything for a few more minutes just to tell him how much I love him. Carpe diem.

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
The time we spend on Earth is nothing compared to eternity. I know by choices I have made that Jesus is my Lord. I also know I have lost a number of friends to various illnesses and suicide. Think about this, the words that we speak have the power of life and death, just as our actions do. I choose life and live my life as such.

Prayers sent to you Ryan for this hard time. Chuck, I'm always praying for you and your family. I know loosing Matt was difficult, but he is in Heaven and you will see him again. God bless
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Jul 20, 2014
Olean, NY
Excellent post and thoughts Aloha.
I'm going to smoke one of my best tonight for Garry cause he sounds like someone I wish I knew


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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Life is short and precious. I know you didn't want condolences, but, you still have mine. As well as you CWS. It saddens me that you guys are hurting from the loss of friends and family members. Prior to starting cigars, when someone died, I'd raise a glass to their memory, now, I raise said glass and a cigar, and I drink and smoke, not sadden by the hole they left, but happy that they filled a spot in my life. I look back at some of the experiences that we shared, and think of all the good times. This may sound harsh brothers, but their life is over, and sad as it may be, mine isn't. Every day I try to live to the fullest, tell my wife and kids I love them, give my friends a hard time, talk to my parents, anything I can do to make sure I have no regrets. So far, I've been pretty lucky in that respect...

So, love those around you, smoke your best cigar tonight, drink your best drink, even if it is a coke, and enjoy your short life on this big rock...
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Aug 2, 2014
great post and to be honest, I needed it.
I have family staying with me for a month
and they can be a little heavy at times.
Patience was starting to wear a little thin
and this post will help me to appreciate
the remaining time that I have with them.

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Jun 6, 2014
West Deptford, NJ
I feel your pain, Aloha. I laid to rest one of my best friends of 18+ years on Thursday of this last week. It, too, was unexpected and made us really all value the time we spent together remembering him and toasting in his honor. Don't ever save anything for a rainy day or a special occasion that may never come. Carpe your own personal diem.


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Thank you for sharing the simple truth of life that we so often forget until it is too late. My prayers go out for you all. Life here on earth is too short but we can live again forever in heaven. Enjoy our time here while we can and leave no regrets. God be with you.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
The time we spend on Earth is nothing compared to eternity. I know by choices I have made that Jesus is my Lord. I also know I have lost a number of friends to various illnesses and suicide. Think about this, the words that we speak have the power of life and death, just as our actions do. I choose life and live my life as such.

Prayers sent to you Ryan for this hard time. Chuck, I'm always praying for you and your family. I know loosing Matt was difficult, but he is in Heaven and you will see him again. God bless
^^^ excellent post, I couldn't have said it better myself. yep, me too... I will say a prayer for you and the families. keep looking up.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Aloha you made some dust land in my eyes and burns and water.

I know the feeling and I am with you. They will forever watch over you and smile knowing they live on thanks to posts and memories like the ones that you shared with us. Laughter is the best medicine and a smile shows them that you will forever be strong for them.

Brother if you ever need an ear to listen or just a shoulder shoot me a pm and I can definitely help out. Cheers brother.

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Jun 3, 2013
Ryan, well said. Tomorrow is promised to no one, live today. I met and conversed with Gary as well, although I did not know him as well as you. He gifted me a Bolivar PC when we first met, as he overheard a conversation I was having with a friend about CC's. He was a gentlemen lost too soon.


the Cigar "Gangsta" ;0(
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Aug 31, 2009
Atlanta, Ga
Ryan & Chuck, my condolences to both of you. I was thinking about my Grandmother earlier this evening wanting to go see her while she can still remember who I am. I've been treating myself to some of my better cigars recently. You can't smoke them once You're gone! Be encouraged...