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Jun 28, 2014
Knoxville, TN, United States
Hey everyone, as you may know I'm in the younger demographic of the cigar industry being 22 and such. However this only has a bit to do with my question, what I've been wondering lately is whether or not people think the industry is booming right now, in the middle, or right where it's always been. I'm looking for two points. The main point is whether or not you think the industry is at its prime, the second is whether or not you think there has been a surge in the younger generation as in 18-25 smokers getting involved which is what I've seen in my area but can't say about others. I look forward to hearing opinions.

Also if you want to talk about the FDA thing going on that's fine but keep it to a minimum.
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May 21, 2014
Tolland, CT
I'd say that specific demographic enjoys cigars, but the majority do so rarely. The military guys (& gals) I served with would smoke a cigar, if offered one. I don't think many went farther than that (getting/maintaining a humidor, buying more than a stick or 2)

Additional Edit: My friends here (late 20's) seem to pursue cigars more... They'll go to cigar bars, purchase their own cutters/torches, & arrange small gatherings.

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
yep , imo its booming alright.

most 18-25 's I know, generally don't get it ... not even in the slightest bit.

no surge to speak of - relative to the cigar indust. core consumer pool

thanks !

You ?
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May 5, 2014
New Prague MN
I think the main group lately is just a hair older at 25-30. I personally smoked cigars when I was in my early 20's if offered but would have never maintained a humi like I do now. I also think the industry is booming right now, look at all the stick releases lately!


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
There is a surge going on in the industry right now.. But.. It's nothing compared to the "boom" that happened in the 90's...

I do see a much larger "young" demographic of smokers right now... Certainly online.. Where younger people tend to be more tech savvy and more plugged in... but I dont know if that means there are more of them.. or that they are just easier to "see" these days with the internet..
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
There is a surge going on in the industry right now.. But.. It's nothing compared to the "boom" that happened in the 90's...

I do see a much larger "young" demographic of smokers right now... Certainly online.. Where younger people tend to be more tech savvy and more plugged in... but I dont know if that means there are more of them.. or that they are just easier to "see" these days with the internet..
I agree with your thought on the younger demo being more plugged in which could lead to them being more noticeable. As we grow older and more involved with family & career our digital foot print might lessen.

When attending events, reading about them and seeing photos you can see that the mean age does seem to be 30+.


The Bully
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Sep 15, 2010
Long Island, NY
I would say that it's slightly booming. Honestly, I think it's the economy causing it. Tobacco usage, like alcohol, always goes up during times of economic uncertainty but because of the war on cigarettes, there's a stigma attached to smoking them that most younger demos want to avoid but they still want to smoke something. Plus, being in heavily taxed states where a pack of smokes can cost you $10+, cigars are more attractive feature. Yes, it affects cigars too but I'd rather have 1-2 decent cigars over a pack of cigarettes any day. Just MHO.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
cant really speak on a boom although there does seem to be more interest showing in our rural area. One thing that really sticks out to me and I was just thinking about this before this thread started is, the amount of you younger folks taking a serious interest in cigars. I always kinda figured it was a "older" guys hobby. Now dont throw rocks at me, I am pleased to see the younger folks taking an interest in a classy hobby like cigars. I guess in the rural bubble that I live in, we just dont see that interest from the younger crowd.
This kinda makes me look old......... oh wait, I am old :hammersma
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Jun 19, 2014
Northwest Indiana
Thought I was noticing younger guys getting into cigars, but then I realized im not really a younger guy anymore and fall into the early 30s demographic where I think a large portion of cigar smokers get into it.

In my early 20s I would smoke an occasional one but looking back, I had zero interest in keeping a humidor or knowing anything about cigars. Now, that's the aspect that really got me into cigars. I didnt know there was special storage or that age, humidity and temp have an impact. Similarly to collecting and aging beers ive learned an appreciation to a luxury product that I couldn't/wouldn't have had 10 years prior
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Jun 28, 2014
Knoxville, TN, United States
All these answers are great. I guess I'll throw my thoughts in since I started the thread 😅.

I do think the industry is in a boom at the moment. I think the way social media has been the past few years has definitely helped the industry connect and grow in many different aspects. Just about a month ago I was at a restaurant that allows outdoor smoking and I started a long conversation with a guy smoking an Undercrown who I'd never met and probably never would if we didn't share this passion. So I think the industry is doing very well right now.

As for different demographics and their involvement. I do believe my age group to be slowly getting more involved. With stress on the word slowly. It's still not grasped nearly as much as the hip things like hookah, vaping, cigarettes, and pot. It typically comes down to most people just can't handle the strength and flavor of a premium cigar.
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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
I agree with you social media has done a lot to connect manufacturers with the people. Because that part appeals to a younger demo I think that's why you see so many younger people casually taking up the hobby.
I would say the core group is still older simply because it's an expensive hobby. I do see a boom with cigar lounges in my area with new ones opening all the time. That may be due to that's cigar smoking is all you can do in designated lounges here in Michigan. I enjoy the influx of young blood I get to be the old guy that knows a lil bit lol.