Awwww are people still sore about the patriots getting caught when every other team in the NFL was doing it? Seems like we still went 18-1 after that incident, clearly that wasn't the only advantage we had.
There were two teams caught cheating with videotaping defensive side line signals and McDaniels is associated with both of those teams. The Patriots have had the good fortunes in two areas: 1) one of the best quarterbacks in the league and 2) opponent signal videotapes for 2 out of their 3 Super Bowl championships. Oh... I forgot one, the tuck rule that allowed them to get into the dance for their first Super Bowl.
Don't throw out a statement "that every other team in the NFL" were doing it unless you actually have a source to support those accusations.
If you haven't noticed, I'm not a Patriots fan.
To get back on subject, hiring McDaniels makes sense since he's knowledgeable with the offensive strategies and Erhardt-Perkins system that they employ.