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Met the wasz today

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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
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Decided to take a road trip outside my state of Maryland and went the whole way up to Pittsburg to visit Allegheny Smoke Works cigar and pipe shop. Over the last few days I contacted wasz and left him know my plans and he made time to meet up with me there. We had a very nice visit, at least it was to me, I didn't shut up long enough for him to say much. :) he met me at my truck with a fist full of cigars and a really neat bear made of sterling silver, It now sits on top of my TV. I picked up a good load of sticks, a tin of baccy and a great xikar scissor cutter. If you dare, look at the pics, see I'm just like the talking M&M's I do exist.
And yes, he TRIED to get my location, but all I would divulge was Cumberland Md........
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Sep 28, 2015
It is true, the Griz does exist. I was kinda surpised though, Griz wasn't even blurry like bigfoot in all his pictures. He and his wife are very nice people and I had a great time talking to them both. I tried my damnest, but the old bear is stubborn and wouldn't tell me exactly where his den is.
I didn't make the bear, but I found it today and figured it was something a guy named Griz would appreciate along with a fiver of cigars. Of course he wouldn't let me get away unscathed, and wacked me with a gift certificate for the shop we were at. Which I promptly turned into this

@Griz it was great meeting you and I hope we can do it again!