Nothing against PLUSH here...
First off I think Vick is a piece of Chit... Now that I have said that, his bodyguards are doing what they get paid to do. Keep unwanted people away from him. His entourage are probably a bunch of thugs just like him. Hell, they probably never made it through school, they are living off his coat tails.
Was this guy, the one that was trying to talk to Vick, a reporter or radio newscaster. Then of course Vick will not talk to him. Why set yourself up for failure, even Barbra Walters or Oprah have a list of questions they can not ask someone while doing an interview. Vick may be a piece of crap but he knows how the system works.
Stop giving this turd air time, he is winning because people keep talking about him. Forget about him and let him fade out. Look at OJ and even Mel Gibson, who the hell talks about them anymore. I am so sick and tired of wasting my time hearing about losers like Vick, Lindsey Lohan, or Paris Hilton.
**getting off his soap box ** But that's just my $0.02