Never been called a hemorroid, but yes the fly in their soup: "disgusting and horrid to look at; yet nothing else gives it that special taste"
Thanks for the...kind words? So, quick recap: Got to Santiago Ixcuintla in Nayarit the 5th. Went to eat and we got some stuff for the next day ready. The 6th sugery started at 8:30 and it was a total of 14 lads and lasses (even a burnt one who we added to the list) from then to 21:00. Off to a bar to relax a tad with tequilas and then to bed. Wake up and treat 8 more patients to be done at around 15:00-16:00 and go eat and to the beach. Speeches by the politicians from the area, etc. Got to bed, wake up and just the finishing touches and letting the kids go home. Leave to Puerto Vallarta on a 3 hour trip. Over there itwas much mellower for it was in the morning medical conferences and afternoons were spent in social activities. I come back and see 3,703 new posts...bollocks.