BoM 10/12, 9/13, & 8/14
Is anyone else having mold issues with EPCs purchased over the past year? I got a box of the LE 2012s, and some singles, all had mold issues. I got a few of the cheaper short run CI exclusives and had mold in both boxes. I've been an EPC fanatic for years, this is the first time I've ever had an issue with any of his cigars. I know the LE 2012s were shipped wet, broadleaf has a lot of moisture just form rolling. I know it's not from my storage. I take meticulous care of my stash. I checked everything around them, even opened some stuff I didn't want to open, everything but the EPCs are fine. This just really surprises me, so I want to be sure I'm not alone. I know a few of you responded that you had the same issues when I posted about the LEs. Now, with mold in other boxes, I want to see if this is unique to the few of us that posted or if it's problem in general. I'm keeping a very close eye on my 13 short runs, which are fantastic, some of my favorite so far.