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More nanny state

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May 10, 2007
There are four cigar bars in Boston. Those who would save us from ourselves wish to shut them down.

Medical researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health said today that allowing smoking anywhere in Boston sends the wrong message -- especially to younger people who might take up the deadly habit -- that smoking is OK. Professor Greg Connolly said smoking cigars and cigarettes or a hookah -- a Middle Eastern water pipe with flavored tobacco -- are all health risks and should be banned.
Thank gawd someone is thinking of the children!

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Oct 7, 2008
San Francisco, CA
If I understand correctly, the actual vote is being taken by the commission (or board or somesuch) of public health. In other words, my councilman won't even get a vote on this issue. A government of the people, for the people, by the people...or so we thought.

Honestly, doesn't the Commonwealth have something better to do with their time and money?


BoM Decembre '08
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Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
I despise people who care only for THEIR interests, yet sell it as if they cared for one's. This is stupid, to say the least. Who thinks a cigar bar will not have cigar smoking?


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
And yet, Fast food restaurants abound, selling fat saturated foods, that are marketed towards children and would you like to supersize that? A 44oz Coke? Sure what more could a 13 yeard old boy need that 500 calories of carmelcolor and addedd flavoring? Oh yeah and let's not forget to close down all public bars as well cause good knows that drinking doesn't cause any health issues. Add to that the dangers of drunk driving. Ok so I'm off topic, but where do these people get off attacking only one group of people.


BoM Decembre '08
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Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
And yet, Fast food restaurants abound, selling fat saturated foods, that are marketed towards children and would you like to supersize that? A 44oz Coke? Sure what more could a 13 yeard old boy need that 500 calories of carmelcolor and addedd flavoring? Oh yeah and let's not forget to close down all public bars as well cause good knows that drinking doesn't cause any health issues. Add to that the dangers of drunk driving. Ok so I'm off topic, but where do these people get off attacking only one group of people.
Hear hear.

Craig Mac

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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
And yet, Fast food restaurants abound, selling fat saturated foods, that are marketed towards children and would you like to supersize that? A 44oz Coke? Sure what more could a 13 yeard old boy need that 500 calories of carmelcolor and addedd flavoring? Oh yeah and let's not forget to close down all public bars as well cause good knows that drinking doesn't cause any health issues. Add to that the dangers of drunk driving. Ok so I'm off topic, but where do these people get off attacking only one group of people.
I agree with that as well!!! Cigar Smoking is a personal choice and if I want to go to a Cigar Bar, I should be allowed. By keeping open alcohol bars aren't they sending the same message to "young people" that they are trying to hush in closing the Cigar Bars??? I bet they will still sell alcohol in those stores near college campuses.
And to take it way off topic, why is it a 44 oz coke only actually contains 4 ounces of coke and 40 oz of ice. that really pisses me off.
I hear ya on that too, cost wise they are getting over on the customer, health wise they are doing them a favor.
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Jan 27, 2008
South Jersey
Pardon me if this is a stupid question. What the hell would children be doing in a cigar bar anyhow?

I wish people would just leave their interests out of the way and let other people live their own lives as they see fit. I'm getting sick and friggin' tired of people jamming their opinions down my throat. End of rant.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
So do you think cigar smokers could raise the funds to buy our own country? Then we can allow smoking where ever we want and :grinFU: the other uppity "health conscience" nations. We could have a cigar on the flag! Oooh yes...I think I have a new purpose in life.

I bet the health effects of smoking wouldn't be as bad if it didn't combine with the zillion other unhealthy habits people have. Why don't they do a study of smoking on fit, healthy eating, athletic individuals and see how detrimental it is to their health. This, I feel, would actually be a fair test because it takes the other environmental induced unhealthy variables out of the experiment. Then again as we know moderation is key and no matter what you do that is healthy or unhealty if you over do it...it is unhealthy. Just look at some of those crazy extreme raw vegans; they're dying of malnutrition.

I digress.......
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