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Motorized Shopping Carts

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Mar 27, 2010
Spring Valley, AZ
I was at Wally World today I hate that place but the wife wanted me to come along so I did. The store is packed with the usual people (peopleofwalmart.com) you could not move down an isle without getting is someones way. Then the check out lines were long. Than is not my rant. I hate it when I see someone that is just fat riding in a motorized cart. They are for the handicapped people not for you fat ass to ride around the store grabbing Little Debbies. I will be the first to admit I am a fat bastard. But I walk around the store. This guy today was riding around in the cart at the check out lane. Yelling for his wife trying to get her attention she most have been to embarrassed to acknowledge him. So he proceeded to take the cart and make everybody move out of his way so he can get to her. Ran over a little girls foot and did not say sorry. Then they proceeded to leave I followed him outside he gets out of the cart and walks fine. Just to frickin lazy to walk threw wally world. You notice they do put all of their junk food on the lower shelves so they do not have to get up out of their chair. I say to get a motorized cart prove you are handicapped you have a placard on you car. Carry a ID card to show you are handicapped so you drive a cart and they should have a motorized cart licenses they are dangerous.

Sorry just had to blow some steam. Now for a drink and a cigar.


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
While I think it's a free country and people can do whatever they want, I still thinks it's pathetic. You'd think people would have some sort of shame, but sadly they must not. You know what else bothers me? When people get those free water cups and fill them up with soda or tea. How much of a cheap ass can you be? I snapped this photo yesterday while grabbing some pizza. Just out of the frame there's a sign that says, "Water cups are for WATER ONLY" that I watched the lady read and ignore:

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Jul 20, 2011
Near Twin Cities MN
I agree with the fat people are not handicapped, but I don’t agree that they should require some sort of license. No need for the government to get involved where they do not belong, also what about people with sports injuries?
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Mar 12, 2011
I agree with the fat people are not handicapped, but I don’t agree that they should require some sort of license. No need for the government to get involved where they do not belong, also what about people with sports injuries?
there is easily a discernible difference between

