Found out a few weeks ago that my landlord is selling the house that we are currently living in, no big deal so started looking for a new place.
Found said new place, shook the gal's hand and told her we would take it. Tell my landlord we found a place to move and that we'll be out at the end of the month. Fats forward a week and still haven't heard from the lady who is supposed to rent to us, finally monday I get in touch with her...
She says that she had changed her mind and will not be renting the house but selling it instead. So now we have <2 weeks to find a place and move.
Frustrating as hell, and I've been searching all this week. I think I finally found a place for us (myself, girlfriend and 2 dogs), but it's been like a witch hunt trying to find something in our price range that is accommodating.
Just needed to vent my frustrations, and any positive thoughts, good vibes, or prayers for us to find a place to live would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers all, I'll be back on the board more after I get this housing issue figured out.
Found said new place, shook the gal's hand and told her we would take it. Tell my landlord we found a place to move and that we'll be out at the end of the month. Fats forward a week and still haven't heard from the lady who is supposed to rent to us, finally monday I get in touch with her...
She says that she had changed her mind and will not be renting the house but selling it instead. So now we have <2 weeks to find a place and move.
Frustrating as hell, and I've been searching all this week. I think I finally found a place for us (myself, girlfriend and 2 dogs), but it's been like a witch hunt trying to find something in our price range that is accommodating.
Just needed to vent my frustrations, and any positive thoughts, good vibes, or prayers for us to find a place to live would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers all, I'll be back on the board more after I get this housing issue figured out.