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My Brother is Leaving


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
I just wanted to share something, maybe get a pat on the back or two. My only brother was accepted to X-Ray school in Seattle, Washington state for 2 years. He's moving away on Monday. I'm very proud of him for choosing this career. I'm just a little bummed because it's sad to see him move out of state. I haven't been away from him for any extended period of time. He's my little brother and I will see him on his breaks every so often, and hopefully he will move back to San Diego.

I just want him to succeed and be happy. I'm sure there are guys here who have sent their children to college, or had their siblings move away. I'm going to try and stay busy, and keep in frequent contact with him. Do you guys have any tips? If you would like to share any related experiences here, please do so.

Thanks for reading and/or sharing. I know I can count on you guys!

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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
Congrats to your brother! You'll be alright. It's not the distance that keeps the relationship close. There are a lot of family members that live a few miles away from each other and you would think they're thousands of miles away. Just stay involved with his life and at the same time concentrate on your own. You'll see him again and with the technology we have today, your just a skype away from hanging out with him.
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Mar 23, 2014
At least you can call him. My older brother went into marine boot camp and all I could do was write him. He was my best friend growing up and it took a lot of adjusting to him being gone. But definitely call and call often. My relationship with my brother will never be the same again. Once he got out of boot camp we talked maybe once or twice a month. He would try calling me and I would be busy or I would try calling him and he would be busy. We are both married now and we pretty much only talk when my family actually gets to get together or the occasional text message. So my biggest tip, do whatever you can to stay in touch. Call, text, FaceTime or the equivalent, email, anything. It's great that your brother found his career and making this big step toward it. It was tough for me. He is my only brother. It will be tough for you. But if you ever need to talk about it, I'm here, and so is everybody else.

I hope it all goes smoothly for the both of you. I'm sure it's just as hard for him as it is for you. Especially if you are close.

Just my input

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Mar 18, 2014
Herriman Utah
Siblings are the best thing in the world!! I am very close to my two brothers and we hang out as much as we can. However my older sister is one of my best friends and when she moved from Utah to Cali it was hard on me. The advice given above is true, CALL CALL CALL CALL and then CALL again, There is nothing like hearing the voice of your brother. Skype was not an option when my sister and i were apart....... internet wasn't even around but i know it is also a great idea. Just make sure you make the time to stay in touch. It will be difficult but will be good.

Also call me if you want to talk. I was what i assume was your age when my sibling moved. I would love to have you bend my ear.



Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
One of the things that we did when my daughter went away to school was to set up a specific time each week for a phone call. In our case it was Sunday night at 7:00 and unless something else unavoidable got in the way we always called her and spoke at that time. Having a set "appointment" each week really helped us to stay in communication with each other and helped ease the separation anxiety that all of us were feeling. To this day (12 years later) it is still a weekly ritual although nowadays we Skype.

Not sure if something like that would work with you and your brother but it is worth a shot.

PS..Don't be afraid to rely on your (Ostrich) Brothers from another Mother either.


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Sep 7, 2013
Congrats to him. Stay strong and always stay in contact. Im sure he feels the same as you do
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
It sounds like a good career. I wish him the best of luck. Solid ties can't be broken- I know from experience. Some people you can not see for years but if a good bond is there... That's all ya need.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
My brother moved away for work to Texas then new York for about three years total. Eventually moved back thank God.

Not much in the way of advice but i feel your pain. Sucks to have distance between someone you're close to
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Jan 9, 2014
Denton, Texas
I was very close to both of my sisters. My older got married and went to grad school in Kansas. That was the hardest. We kept in contact via gchat, text, and calling. Do it often. Once you stop talking, its hard to start again... I then married and moved to Texas and the same thing happened between me and my little sister. She got busy and didnt return my calls/texts. Just stay on it and yall will be great


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Congratulations to your brother. Like Rupe stated, set a specific time to call every week. I have done this with my elderly mom and dad for the past 12 years. We are here for any moral support you may need as well.
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
I know you're proud of him Steve and I know you're gonna miss him. Definitely call and maybe video chat with him. Take Aloha up on the offer to go and have a smoke while you visit him! ;) congrats to your Bro!
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Dec 13, 2013
San Diego
Congrats to your brother, Steve. I remember having a nice chat with him about his move and future plans a few weeks back at the weekly herf spot. It seems like he has solid direction for a young guy. I agree with other guys suggesting, vid chat, texting, etc but I want to also include, bomb him! Let me know if you do, I'd like to add a couple sticks to the mix!