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My dogs


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Dec 9, 2004
So I have two large German Shepard’s. We have about an acre fenced in for them to run and play. Once a year they seem to kill something. It’s usually squirrels. The first one they got was in winter and it just snowed. Blood and squirrel parts everywhere.

Well tonight the wife lets them out and the smaller one (100 lbs / larger one is 125 lbs) runs after something. So she screams, I get up grab the flash light and walk onto the deck. Then I realize he got something so I run into the back yard, stepping into a fresh poo pile and realize he has a possum. You think it would of played possum. So I call off the dogs and take a look at it. it hissing showing its teeth blah blah and blah. Well we don't have a full time Animal Control officer so I call the non-emergency number to ask how to dispose of it. They say just throw it in the trash. Then I say oh yeah its still alive but not moving. The dispatch say she will send and officer to "take care of it" I said if your going to shoot it, I can just go do that in the woods. Now I feel guilty.

Glad the dogs had their rabies shots. Never a dull moment with them.


BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
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Mar 24, 2005
Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Better than letting the animal suffer. Smokem will back me up here.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
Yea I'd rather you shoot the poor critter than it just lay there suffering. That would be the right thing to do. Luckily my Jack Russell Terrior never got anything larger than a lizard :grin: Though she sure would chase the hell out of rabbits, cats and birds. But the rabbits were zigging and zagging, the cat could jump the 6 ft. fence in one leap and well, she couldn't fly with the birds :hysterica


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
See, that's the ridiculous part. Most places would tell you to wait for the officer, which is a joke. If you have a gun, if you are willing to do it, then it's a no brainer. That way the animal doesn't suffer as much and your local PD doesn't have to waste the resources driving out to your home just to shoot an animal that you could have taken care of just as easily.

Glad the pups are OK Derek. Possums are nasty little F***s. My Chow cornered one in our backyard a couple of houses ago. When I got outside and saw the thing I about freaked. Scary looking critters when they are pissed. Thankfully I was able to pull my dog away and go inside. I went out the very next day and cut away all the hanging branches the thing was hiding under.
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Jan 9, 2006
That is always strange what dogs will do huh Derek. We have two dogs. One of my dogs is a Schipperke. They are about the size of a possum and are known to be watch dogs and ratters. Meaning he like to dig, chase small animals, and bark a lot. The other is an Australian Sheppard. He is more of a runt as he is only 40 lbs., normally males run anywhere between 60-90 lbs. Mine is small, but blazing fast even for an Aussie. Once he ran around the pool to go after birds in the back of the yard. He actually leaped about four feet high while going full out and snatched one of the birds clean out of the air. Needless to say my wife asked me nicely to go clean up the dead bird.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
I don't think Steve would be coordinated enough for that guys. You're giving him too much credit :grinFU: :rofl: