My wife was coming back from NC today, along with 2 of our grandkids. A few minutes after she crossed the bridge into NJ, a pickup truck in front of her dropped what she thinks was a mattress. There was nothing she could do, and smacked into it at 70 mph. The mattress was standing up on end vertically when she hit it, but some how went under her Rav4. The pickup truck started to stop, but then took off running. Thankfully, no one was injured, and the air bags did not deploy. She called the police, and I went to meet her at the scene. Very slight front end damage and I mean very slight. I checked the undercarriage the best I could, but couldn't detect any damage, and she was able to drive it home. The poor person behind her also hit the mattress, but their car suffered far more damage and will probably need to be towed.
When I think of the "what ifs", I just have to remember that my God is in control, and thank Him for His hand of protection.
I just saw the dash cam thread, and will be ordering 2 this weekend.
When I think of the "what ifs", I just have to remember that my God is in control, and thank Him for His hand of protection.
I just saw the dash cam thread, and will be ordering 2 this weekend.