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Neighbors house caught fire tonight

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Jan 9, 2006
Sitting in my house earlier tonight, minding our own business as usual in our quiet little town. Heard some sirens outside and saw 2 cars and a fire engine too. Thought was an accident as there is a court across from our house. I stepped outside to see if I could help as I have been a volunteer fireman/EMT for over 15 years. I smelled smoke and then realized the engine was laying out hose to the hydrant and pulling an attack line 2 doors up on my side of the street! As we live in a more rural county, there were not a lot of extra equipment nor people on the scene yet. Realizing the crew did not have enough people, my fire instincts kicked in. I helped the crew finish pulling the first attack line and helped flake it out so would not kink up. They ended up starting to pulling a secondary line and I virtually pulled the line myself and brought it to the door for their backup line (larger diameter too). I even yelled to the engine pump operator to "charge the lines" (fill with water) as he did not hear the guy that was putting on his mask yell that he was ready for the water to begin his attack. I ended up standing right at the front door and helped pull the attack line inside the house as the crew with the gear went inside. I was even able to walk around the outside of the house to see where the smoked was coming from. Was a basement fire and was blowing out the side of the house. The attack crew initially went upstairs as that is where a majority of smoke was coming from. I knew they had not found the fire yet, so I went back to the front door and yelled "BASEMENT FIRE" loud as I could 2 times (and I am loud). The attack crew asked for the secondary line as the first was caught upstairs, so I ended up handing him the second attack line and pull inside the house also. They were able to find it and knocked the fire down within a minute. Took several minutes to extinguish the blaze. All the people living there were out of the house. No one was injured including the volunteer fire fighters that were on the scene. If I had to guess, probably $150,000 in damage between the house itself and the house contents could go higher depending on how much stuff was inside as I do not know exactly.

Anyway, I smell like smoke and my adrenalin flowed like a mad-dog for about half an hour afterwords. We offered to take the family to our home which includes Mom, Dad and three daughters. Lucky they have some family close by and will be staying there for the night.

Be safe.
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Jan 9, 2006
Thanks guys. I wish I had my gear with me. I would have gone inside in an instant to get that fire out. As it was was in jeans, long sleeve shirt, and pair of LL Bean slipper like shoes. Had to be careful as had no protective gear on.

The family went to the Grandmothers house for the night about 11:30. The Mother did have 1st degree burns (like a bad sunburn) on her lower legs, not too bad. All else are ok, just shaken up. I wish them the best in a speedy cleanup and re building of the home and replacement of the contents..

The engine crew went home past midnight. There was a lot of salvage and overhaul to be done. This morning the damage was more evident. The piles of stuff like insulation, drywall, and burnt up room contents was pretty large on the front driveway. The smell of smoke was pungent and fresh. The county did not board up the home yet for some reason and you can see the middle floor walls were black with soot and smoke damage. There place is pretty bad with smoke damage. Contents might be a total loss and will need to be replaced. Very sad.

For those that remember my next door neighbor Mr. Bud died last month, this family and house is immediatly next to his house.