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New Hats


BoM April '09
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Dec 14, 2008
I picked up a couple of new hats. I've been looking for a hat in this style for some time now. And I couldn't beat the price. My lady says that they are too "dressy" for me to wear on a daily basis. I'm not sure if I agree or not. What do you guys think?

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Apr 11, 2007
From the pics the hat works well for you bro. But what you wear with it is the deal-breaker. Generally speaking you dont wear that kinda hat with t-shirts with logos, or with flip-flops. Mainly because the style/material is more dressy.
It works with dress shoes, jeans and a plain v-neck tee. or with jeans and a button-up collared shirt....

Just my .02
If it matters, I have about 10 of those hats and my fashion sense is regularly complimented. ....In case that helps you trust me. Not an all-knowing fashion guy, but think I do ok.

The kind of hat you could wear more everyday style with flipflops or logo tee-shirts, etc is this kind: http://www.strawfashion.com/fedora-hats/456141984.html But not the black/pinned striped.

Jeans, a t-shirt, a sport coat, and the hat.
Patrick gets it. Bet he's got style.
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Jan 11, 2005
Your lady is right, too dressy for everyday casual wear. Good looking hat though. Just watch what you wear it with. Not enough men wear real hats nowadays. Baseball caps are not real hats, imo. I have two fedoras, one very casual with mess sides, and one for dressing out with. That one is heavier so only appropriate in cooler / colder weather. Both always get compliments, or at least stares anyway. :).
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Dec 12, 2009
My oh my, a cotton fedora. No it is not to dressy for what you are wearing. Trust me, I have a collection of fedoras and have been wearing them for over a decade now. You look fine. If you want a little more information and opinion try looking at thefedoralounge.com


BoM Feb 2010
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Jul 1, 2008
Nazareth, PA
I have a few of these & actually have been looking for a more casual version. They are a sharp hat, no doubt, but I ran into the same problem - that particular style is a bit onthe dressy side. Semi-formal+.
I want something that is more appropriate for tee shirt & jeans.
I could see you sporting that with a button-up black dress shirt, fancy-worn jeans & some spit-shined black Docs.

In the end- do whatever makes you happy.


BoM April '09
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Dec 14, 2008
Oh well it look like even you guys are split on the opinions. Maybe this is one to wear with a button down Dickies shirt & jeans & my Docs.