Tnt Cigarguy
BoM Jan 12
So this is the new Madden cover after the results of today's game.

I didnt do it. I just saw it on Twitter and put it up. But I would be money on the Chance of Tebow being on the cover.Come on Trevor. Watching that game was bad enough.
I agree.But I would bet money on the Chance of Tebow being on the cover.
So it was posted, so shall it be done!So I have people asking if this is really true. No this is not real. Its just Photoshopped. Really guys?
I would also put money on him making it. I know of three people that would definitely buy the game just for the cover alone. Hell, I will probably buy it. I don't buy Madden every year because it's stupid to do so but I'm due for a new copy anyway and I wouldn't mind having his...I'd bet he makes the cover. He's a money maker. I heard a report yesterday that jockey said that their recent ad campaign with tebow lwas the most successful campaign in their history. He may not be able to throw but he sure can move some products.